2 min

Popular New rules for serving summonses and expanding the powers of the TAC: details of the adopted law on mobilization

New rules for serving summonses and expanding the powers of the TAC: details of the adopted law on mobilization

The law on mobilization adopted on April 11 provides for the expansion of the powers of the MCC, as well as some changes in the procedure for serving summonses and mobilization. Find out more about the rules that will apply

12 Apr. 2024

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2 min

War Has Ukraine run out of missiles for Patriot? What's behind the destruction of the Trypilska thermal power plant

Has Ukraine run out of missiles for Patriot? What's behind the destruction of the Trypilska thermal power plant

The Ukrainian energy sector continues to suffer from russian missile attacks. Against the background of massive shelling and destruction of large thermal power plants, military analysts say that the Ukrainian armed forces have run out of missiles for advanced air defence systems. Find out why the russians started destroying the Ukrainian energy sector and how Ukraine is trying to fix its air defence situation

11 Apr. 2024

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2 min

Work How attitudes toward Ukrainian workers in Poland have changed: a recent study

How attitudes toward Ukrainian workers in Poland have changed: a recent study

In Poland, there is a mixed character of attitudes towards employees from Ukraine. Find out in more detail what percentage of employers express a positive opinion about Ukrainians and whether the attitude in society is deteriorating

11 Apr. 2024

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1 min

Transport Strikes in Europe in the near future: in which countries to expect transport disruptions

Strikes in Europe in the near future: in which countries to expect transport disruptions

Leading trade unions in European countries have announced a series of protests that could have a significant impact on public transportation. In countries such as the UK, France, Italy, and others, passengers should be prepared for possible disruptions in the operation of subways, railways, and other modes of transportation. Find out more about the dates of the strikes

11 Apr. 2024

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2 min

Documents How to apply for licenses abroad? Rules and conditions for obtaining a driver's license in different countries of the world (part 2)

How to apply for licenses abroad? Rules and conditions for obtaining a driver's license in different countries of the world (part 2)

The procedure for obtaining a driver's license in other countries has its own special rules. Find out more about how to pass the driving test abroad and what requirements exist for Ukrainians to obtain a driver's license outside of Ukraine

11 Apr. 2024

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2 min

Popular The law on mobilisation in Ukraine has been adopted: when will it come into force and what does the document say?

The law on mobilisation in Ukraine has been adopted: when will it come into force and what does the document say?

Ukraine has adopted a new law that regulates the rules of mobilisation of persons liable for military service and sets restrictions for people who evade military service. Find out when the rules will come into effect and what changes Ukrainians should expect

11 Apr. 2024

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2 min

War Will men from abroad be deported when they apply to consular offices?

Will men from abroad be deported when they apply to consular offices?

In the second reading, the Verkhovna Rada began considering amendments to the draft law on mobilization, which proposes changes to the rules for obtaining a passport abroad for men. Find out how the new rules will affect the process of obtaining consular services and whether men face deportation from abroad

11 Apr. 2024

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1 min

Travel Traveling without obstacles: Germany finally agrees to end airport strikes

Traveling without obstacles: Germany finally agrees to end airport strikes

Germany has reached an agreement to end strikes at airports. This agreement allows the aviation sector to resume normal operations and ensure safety and convenience for travelers. Read more about the end of strikes in Germany in the article

10 Apr. 2024

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