2 min

Way to Victory What do you need to know about the Crimean resistance to russian occupation?

What do you need to know about the Crimean resistance to russian occupation?

On February 26, Ukraine celebrates the Day of Resistance to the Occupation of Crimea to honor the courage and heroism of Ukrainian citizens living in the temporarily occupied territory. Find out why this date is extremely important for the country and what you need to know about the Crimean resistance

26 Feb. 2024

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1 min

War Only 10% of Europeans believe that Ukraine will win the war: residents of which countries are more pessimistic

Only 10% of Europeans believe that Ukraine will win the war: residents of which countries are more pessimistic

The war in Ukraine has been going on for two years now. During this time, the society of the European Union has united as never before and helped the Ukrainians to win. However, the invasion of russia has dragged on and the opinion about Ukraine's victory has changed somewhat. Find out what people in Europe think about the outcome of the war now

25 Feb. 2024

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1 min

Way to Victory How many donations did the largest foundations of Ukraine raise in 2023?

How many donations did the largest foundations of Ukraine raise in 2023?

Ukrainians' donations amount to tens of billions of hryvnias, but the figures are lower than at the beginning of the Great War. Find out how much money charitable foundations in Ukraine raised last year and where Ukrainians donated the most

25 Feb. 2024

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2 min

Transport What to do in case of an accident in Poland: algorithm of actions and other important aspects for drivers

What to do in case of an accident in Poland: algorithm of actions and other important aspects for drivers

Unfortunately, no one is immune from road accidents, as any situation can happen on the road through the fault of another driver. Find out what to do in case of an accident in Poland, where to call, what to record and what documents to draw up

25 Feb. 2024

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2 min

Finance How many years do you have to work to buy an apartment in Ukraine?

How many years do you have to work to buy an apartment in Ukraine?

Determining how long it takes to save up for a home in Ukraine depends on several factors, including region, salary, and cost. Find out more about which cities in the country have the highest salaries and how long it may take to save up for an apartment in different regions

25 Feb. 2024

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3 min

Culture The Legend of Polubotok's Gold: Is it true that every Ukrainian should receive 40 kg of gold?

The Legend of Polubotok's Gold: Is it true that every Ukrainian should receive 40 kg of gold?

300 years ago, Ukrainian Hetman Pavlo Polubotok deposited 200,000 gold coins with the Bank of England at 7.5% interest, and in his will he specified that 80% of the gold was for the future of independent Ukraine. Find out why this story still resonates and whether there is a chance to get gold

25 Feb. 2024

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1 min

For refugees How many refugees want to return to Ukraine after 2 years of war: UN survey

How many refugees want to return to Ukraine after 2 years of war: UN survey

The UN Refugee Agency has conducted a study and found out how many Ukrainians want to return to Ukraine after two years of full-scale invasion. Find out more about how many citizens plan to come home

25 Feb. 2024

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1 min

Finance The number of millionaires in Ukraine has grown by 16%: how many people have filed their declarations?

The number of millionaires in Ukraine has grown by 16%: how many people have filed their declarations?

Over the past year, the fiscal authorities have received thousands of declarations from individuals who have declared income of more than UAH 1 million. Learn more about income declaration in 2023 and the number of official millionaires in Ukraine

24 Feb. 2024

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