2 min

Way to Victory How many Europeans support Ukrainians as of 2024?

How many Europeans support Ukrainians as of 2024?

As of 2024, most Europeans continue to express support for the Ukrainian people. This is reflected in various aspects, including support for arms supplies to Ukraine, protection of the rights of Ukrainian refugees, and support for Ukraine's membership in the EU. Learn more about the support of Europeans

24 Feb. 2024

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Culture Who is considered the richest person in the history of Ukraine?

Who is considered the richest person in the history of Ukraine?

Even the American billionaires Rockefellers could envy the wealth of one of the Ukrainian princes. Find out who is considered the richest Ukrainian in the history of Ukraine and how much money this person had

24 Feb. 2024

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Travel The legacy of history: Ukrainian castles turned into ruins

The legacy of history: Ukrainian castles turned into ruins

Ukraine is rich in historical monuments, in particular, castles. However, not all of them have managed to survive to our time, leaving behind the ruins of those greatest structures. Find out how rich the cultural heritage of these historic structures is and what is unique about them

24 Feb. 2024

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2 min

Way to Victory Two years of war: everything you need to know about russia's invasion of Ukraine

Two years of war: everything you need to know about russia's invasion of Ukraine

Today is exactly two years since the russian army invaded Ukraine. During this time, the Ukrainian people have probably experienced one of the most difficult periods in history. Find out what these two years on the frontline have been memorable and what the consequences are for Ukraine

24 Feb. 2024

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2 min

Popular Blockade of Ukraine's border: what is happening now and is there a threat to military supplies

Blockade of Ukraine's border: what is happening now and is there a threat to military supplies

Polish protesters continue to block the Ukrainian border over agrarian disagreements with Ukraine. However, the Poles' actions have gone far beyond simply blockading grain. Find out how the protests will affect prices in Ukraine and what the Ukrainian government is proposing for a solution

23 Feb. 2024

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1 min

Transport Parking fees have been temporarily canceled in Kyiv

Parking fees have been temporarily canceled in Kyiv

The capital has announced the temporary abolition of parking fees, which is a significant change for local drivers and visitors. Find out more about the reasons for this decision and when parking fees will be restored

23 Feb. 2024

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1 min

War Demobilization of conscripts: Verkhovna Rada adopts law proposed by President

Demobilization of conscripts: Verkhovna Rada adopts law proposed by President

The Verkhovna Rada has approved the presidential law on the discharge of conscripts who have been serving since February 24, 2024. Find out more about what is changing

23 Feb. 2024

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1 min

Way to Victory Foreigners will be able to serve in the National Guard of Ukraine: how to get there and how much they are paid

Foreigners will be able to serve in the National Guard of Ukraine: how to get there and how much they are paid

Foreign citizens or stateless persons can now join the National Guard of Ukraine. Find out more about the conditions of service and what is required to join

23 Feb. 2024

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