3 min

War Two years of full-scale invasion of Ukraine: when and how will this war end?

Two years of full-scale invasion of Ukraine: when and how will this war end?

The full-scale russian invasion has been going on for two years now, and russia still believes that the only precondition for negotiations is Ukraine's surrender. But Ukraine has made it equally clear that it will continue to resist. Find out what will happen next and what analysts are predicting

21 Feb. 2024

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2 min

Popular Megan Fox called Ukrainian women names and caused a scandal: she was accused of being xenophobic

Megan Fox called Ukrainian women names and caused a scandal: she was accused of being xenophobic

American actress Megan Fox published a photo online and unsuccessfully "joked" the side of Ukrainian women, for which she received a barrage of criticism. Find out how the star of the film "Transformers" offended Ukrainian women

20 Feb. 2024

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1 min

For refugees UK closes one of the main programs for Ukrainian refugees: what is known

UK closes one of the main programs for Ukrainian refugees: what is known

The British government has suspended one of the key programs for Ukrainian refugees. This step creates a need for Ukrainians to look for alternative ways to stay in the country legally. Learn more about the closure of the Ukraine Family Scheme and what programs remain available

20 Feb. 2024

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1 min

Culture Medzhybizh Castle: interesting facts about the fortress, which is more than 800 years old

Medzhybizh Castle: interesting facts about the fortress, which is more than 800 years old

The most valuable defense structure in Ukraine is Medzhybizh Castle. It has the ruins of a late Gothic church, memorial columns, a 17th-century fortified rotunda chapel, and the tomb of Baal Shem Tov, the founder of Hasidism. Learn more about the history, present and interesting facts

20 Feb. 2024

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2 min

Insurance Insurance for traveling abroad: answers to frequently asked questions

Insurance for traveling abroad: answers to frequently asked questions

Online insurance is the most convenient way to get insurance for traveling abroad, but many people have doubts and a number of questions about buying a policy online. Here are answers to the most popular questions from our customers about buying health and travel insurance online

20 Feb. 2024

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2 min

For foreigners in UA Is there a ban on travel to Ukraine for foreigners in 2024?

Is there a ban on travel to Ukraine for foreigners in 2024?

Foreign tourists can travel to Ukraine. However, due to the martial law, citizens of other countries need to prepare a package of documents and comply with migration laws. Learn more about the current rules of entry to Ukraine for foreigners in 2024 and prohibitions

20 Feb. 2024

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3 min

Transport Blockade of buses, trucks and trains by Poles and Ukraine's response: what is known about the protests at the border?

Blockade of buses, trucks and trains by Poles and Ukraine's response: what is known about the protests at the border?

Polish protesters have begun blocking not only trucks but also passenger transport. Find out what is happening at the border, what response to the blockade Ukraine is preparing, and what Ukrainian entrepreneurs think about the protests

20 Feb. 2024

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1 min

Events Day of Remembrance of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred: People Who Changed the Course of History

Day of Remembrance of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred: People Who Changed the Course of History

The Heavenly Hundred are people who showed heroism, will to freedom, and love for their country. Learn about the heroism and sacrifice of those who became a symbol of the struggle for independence and democracy

20 Feb. 2024

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