1 min

For refugees United for Ukraine renews free temporary housing program for Ukrainians: how to apply

United for Ukraine renews free temporary housing program for Ukrainians: how to apply

Free temporary housing for Ukrainian refugees abroad is available again. United for Ukraine has announced the resumption of its initiative to provide free housing for displaced persons from Ukraine who were forced to flee their homes due to the russian invasion. Find out more about the conditions of participation

07 Nov. 2023

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3 min

BusinessUA Construction business abroad: experience of investor and developer Anton Taranenko

Construction business abroad: experience of investor and developer Anton Taranenko

Globalization and access to the international market offer construction companies competitive advantages. However, along with opportunities, there are also certain obstacles. Anton Taranenko, CEO of ANTA Group, an international developer with more than 10 years of experience in the real estate market, spoke in detail about the main trends in the global construction industry and shared the benefits of investing in construction abroad

07 Nov. 2023

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2 min

War Will there be presidential elections in Ukraine in 2024 and who can become a candidate?

Will there be presidential elections in Ukraine in 2024 and who can become a candidate?

Despite the fact that the law prohibits elections during wartime and the Ukrainian people themselves are against such measures, elections in Ukraine are being discussed almost all over the world. Find out if elections are possible in the spring of 2024 and whether Zelenskyy will become president for the second time

07 Nov. 2023

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2 min

Transport What is happening on the Ukrainian-Polish border after the blockade?

What is happening on the Ukrainian-Polish border after the blockade?

On November 6, Polish carriers began blockading the border crossing points with Ukraine. Find out where traffic is being hampered and how best to plan your route to/from Ukraine today

07 Nov. 2023

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2 min

Cost of living Rental housing in Ukraine: how the real estate market changed in October

Rental housing in Ukraine: how the real estate market changed in October

As of October 2023, the residential rental market in Ukraine continues to show some important changes and trends. In particular, there has been a significant rise in rental prices in some regions. Find out more about the volume of apartment rental offers in Ukraine and price dynamics

06 Nov. 2023

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2 min

Popular There will be no more conscription: Ministry of Defense announces transition to military recruitment

There will be no more conscription: Ministry of Defense announces transition to military recruitment

Ukraine has introduced significant changes to the personnel policy of the Armed Forces. One of the key initiatives is to replace the traditional conscription procedure with a new recruitment system. This and other reforms are aimed at optimizing the efficiency of military recruitment, in particular through the transition to contract military service and intensive training of citizens of military age. Read more about the update in our material

06 Nov. 2023

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2 min

War The amount of damage is estimated in trillions: how russia's aggression has harmed the nature of Ukraine

The amount of damage is estimated in trillions: how russia's aggression has harmed the nature of Ukraine

Ukraine has become a victim of environmental crimes by the russian federation. One of the most large-scale disasters that the occupants brought to the neighboring country was the undermining of the Kakhovska hydroelectric power plant, as well as large-scale shelling of Ukrainian territory. Read more about how much the war is affecting Ukrainian nature and how much money russia already owes for its restoration

06 Nov. 2023

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2 min

Travel Where to take a break from curfews in Ukraine?

Where to take a break from curfews in Ukraine?

How long has it been since you've been to a 24-hour supermarket or walked around the city at night? Find out how and where you can take a break from the curfew and remember the almost pre-war life without leaving Ukraine

06 Nov. 2023

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