2 min

Way to Victory When will the war in Ukraine end: new scenarios from the West

When will the war in Ukraine end: new scenarios from the West

In recent months, internal tension and fear among Ukrainians have been growing as prolonged hostilities have drained the psyche of people. Find out when the war will end, according to experts, and what other opinions about the end of hostilities prevail online

01 Jul. 2024

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2 min

Travel Top 8 best routes in the Carpathians in the summer of 2024

Top 8 best routes in the Carpathians in the summer of 2024

The Carpathians are famous for the wealth of natural landscapes, the cleanest air, ringing waterfalls, mineral water springs and transparent rivers. Fantastic nature and developed infrastructure make it an ideal place for hiking. Find out which routes are the most popular among tourists

01 Jul. 2024

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2 min

Popular Where Ukrainians can cross the border without queues: important details

Where Ukrainians can cross the border without queues: important details

At the Ukrainian border, the eChezha service is already available at 16 checkpoints. This allows you to choose the time of the bus crossing and not spend hours in lines. Find out more about where Ukrainians can cross the border without queues

01 Jul. 2024

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3 min

Travel How to avoid risks and make traveling to Ukraine as safe as possible?

How to avoid risks and make traveling to Ukraine as safe as possible?

Embassies have returned to Ukraine, foreign students continue to study at Ukrainian universities, and tourists from all over the world travel to the country to see its beauty with their own eyes and help. However, despite all this, the war in Ukraine is still ongoing, and therefore there are still risks. Here's how to avoid them and make your trip as safe as possible

01 Jul. 2024

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2 min

Work Ukrainian women began to learn male professions due to mobilization: How the labour market is changing against the backdrop of the war

Ukrainian women began to learn male professions due to mobilization: How the labour market is changing against the backdrop of the war

Due to mobilisation and the departure of citizens abroad, there was an acute shortage of staff in Ukraine, especially in professions that were popular among men. In order to somehow alleviate the shortage of employees, companies began to attract women to such jobs. Find out which "male" professions are gradually passing into the hands of the female gender and where the shortage is observed most of all

30 Jun. 2024

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1 min

Transport The Netherlands extends the scheme of temporary car tax exemption for Ukrainians

The Netherlands extends the scheme of temporary car tax exemption for Ukrainians

The Netherlands has extended the scheme of temporary exemption from transport tax and tax on cars and motorcycles for citizens of Ukraine. Find out more about what this initiative means

30 Jun. 2024

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2 min

Travel Cheapest cities in Europe for tourists: where can you go to have a cheap vacation?

Cheapest cities in Europe for tourists: where can you go to have a cheap vacation?

Looking for the cheapest European cities to travel to in 2024? Our selection will help you plan a budget-friendly and interesting trip. Find out where you can enjoy unique cultural, historical, and gastronomic experiences without spending a lot of money

30 Jun. 2024

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2 min

Insurance MTPL vs Green Card: main features and differences

MTPL vs Green Card: main features and differences

All motorists are well aware of the axiom that car insurance is mandatory and necessary. However, the insurance market is sometimes difficult to navigate even for experienced drivers, let alone beginners. Find out more about the difference between MTPL and Green Card

30 Jun. 2024

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