About this tour

Individual tour Franik under the microscope

Tour dates: daily

Ivano-Frankivsk is a city with a long history, ancient traditions, extraordinary artistic life and a dynamic economy. The city was founded in the middle of the XVIII century. In 1662, it received the Magdeburg right, which provided the city community with the right to exercise local government. At that time it was called Stanislaviv, and in 1962, on the occasion of its 300th anniversary, it was renamed Ivano-Frankivsk in honor of the prominent Ukrainian writer Ivan Franko.

Ivano-Frankivsk is the heart of Prykarpattia. It combines the traditions of Hutsul, Boikivshchyna, Opillia, and Pokuttia. The centuries of Polish and Austrian occupation left their mark on the architecture, language, mentality, and habits of the city's residents. The Jews, Armenians, and Germans who lived here also had a great influence. That's why Ivano-Frankivsk not only looks like a provincial European town, but the people here think and act in a European way.

You can easily read about the city's famous buildings on the Internet. They are actively rewriting the top 5, 7, 10, or 15 places that you should definitely visit in Frankivsk. But do you want to understand its charm? Do you want to feel like a pioneer? Do you want to see the little things that even the locals don't know or notice? It is these details that quietly create the charm of ancient Stanislaviv. We will also take a walk through interesting courtyards and look into the most interesting entrances of the central buildings of Ivano-Frankivsk. So, if you like non-standard walks, you are welcome to join us! We invite you.

The price is for an individual tour (1-10 people)

To book a tour for 10 people or more, please contact us.

The tour is conducted in Ukrainian, German, English, Polish to choose from!

5 reasons to choose tour


To see the cozy, neat streets of Ivano-Frankivsk


Take a break from everyday life and plunge into the atmosphere of the city


Listen to the interesting stories of our guides, which you will definitely not hear anywhere else


Our managers will help with booking and support you throughout the trip


The tour is individual, so you can book it on the day that suits you best. This tour is just for you

Key landmarks



What is included?

Professional guide

Professional guide

*From each purchased tour, we transfer 10% to the Ukrainian Refugee Support Fund. All profits from press tours are transferred to the reconstruction of Ukraine.