About this tour
Lutsk Castle has
never been captured by anyone.
Lutsk Castle
hosted the rulers of Europe 600 years ago.
Lutsk Castle was
built for 100 years.
Lutsk Castle...
There are a lot
of stories, legends, fascinating heroes and legends about Lutsk Castle!
Under its walls
stood Muscovites and Mongols, Poles and Tatars. The fate of the countries of
Europe and Asia was decided in its towers. Its houses hide the secrets of royal
courts and tribunals. And its rulers influenced the destinies of whole peoples
in different ages.
One of the
best-preserved and oldest castles in Ukraine is ready to generously share its
mysteries, memories and secrets. It will not leave anyone indifferent,
impressing with its Gothic towers, mighty walls or sensational stories.
We invite you,
friends, to a tour of Lutsk Castle.
You will visit the Upper Castle in Lutsk, walk around its territory, climb the walls of the castle, the Lord's Tower, the Museum of Books and the only Museum of Bells in Ukraine, see the exhibitions "Arsenal", "Provincial Prison", "Castle Guard".

Entrance to the castle is paid separately - 30 UAH for children, 50 UAH for adults. All tour participants will receive gifts!
The price of the tour from 1 to 4 people - 650 UAH (price for group) The price of the tour for 5 people or more is 230 UAH/person
*The tour is conducted in Ukrainian
5 reasons to choose tour
One of the best-preserved and oldest castles in Ukraine is ready to generously share its mysteries, memories and secrets
It will not leave anyone indifferent, impressing with its Gothic towers, mighty walls or sensational stories
You will visit the Upper Castle in Lutsk, walk around its territory, climb the walls of the castle
You will visit the Lord's Tower, the Museum of Books and the only Museum of Bells in Ukraine
You will see the exhibitions "Arsenal", "Provincial Prison", "Castle Guard"
Key landmarks
Lutsk Castle
Upper Castle in Lutsk
The Lord's Tower
The Museum of Books and the only Museum of Bells in Ukraine
The exhibitions "Arsenal", "Provincial Prison", "Castle Guard"
What is included?
Professional guide
*From each purchased tour, we transfer 10% to the Ukrainian Refugee Support Fund. All profits from press tours are transferred to the reconstruction of Ukraine.