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09 Nov. 2022


How to get a duplicate birth certificate abroad: rules for applying to the Consulate

How to get a duplicate birth certificate abroad: rules for applying to the Consulate

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The Coordination Headquarters for Returning Citizens from Temporarily Occupied Territories (TOT) and third countries to Ukraine decided to make life easier for Ukrainians abroad. On the initiative of the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Iryna Vereshchuk, government officials expanded the powers of Ukrainian consulates.

In particular, it was decided to initiate changes to the Instruction on the procedure for registering acts of civil status in diplomatic missions and consular institutions of Ukraine, approved by the joint order of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs dated 05/23/2001 No. 32/5/101.

What has changed?

From now on, Ukrainians abroad can get a copy of their birth certificate at consular and diplomatic institutions. Such a decision will make life easier for those who found refuge abroad or were deported to the russian federation after losing their documents.

In addition, the Coordination Headquarters plans to expand the list of relatives of the child who can receive a duplicate birth certificate in Ukraine.

What documents are required to obtain a duplicate birth certificate?

The list of required documents depends on the country in which you need to restore a duplicate certificate. In some countries, only a copy of the passport is required, in others - for repeated documents you will need personal presence or representation of interests by proxy.

Who can get a duplicate birth certificate with border?

A duplicate birth certificate can be obtained directly by the citizen himself (who has reached the age of 18) or by the parents of a minor citizen, including authorized representatives in the presence of a power of attorney.

Children's birth certificates cannot be re-issued to a person deprived of parental rights.

The restored certificate has the same legal force as the lost document.

Pay attention! In connection with the full-scale war in Ukraine, in the territories temporarily controlled by the occupiers or where active hostilities are taking place, state institutions, in particular, units of the migration services, have suspended their work. In this case, citizens faced problems in obtaining passports. Read about how to pick up a ready-made passport from the place of its order at the link.