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11 Dec. 2022


New rules for car registration in Ukraine: what is known

New rules for car registration in Ukraine: what is known

What changes in the procedure of registration and re-registration of vehicles in Ukraine will take place from December 14

Issuing a policy Green card for traveling abroad by car
Issuing a policy Green card for traveling abroad by car

In Ukraine, starting from December 14, the procedure for registering and re-registering vehicles at service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will change. In addition, it will be allowed to issue a driver's license online. Volodymyr Baranets, deputy head of The main service center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, announced this.

The changes concern the expert examination of the vehicle - it is separated from the registration procedure at the service center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Exclusion does not mean cancellation. Now it must be passed before applying for the vehicle registration and re-registration service.

In addition to the convenience associated with extraterritoriality, such separation also allows in the future to register a car online using two smartphones or computers — the owner and the buyer.

"Since the only step that could not be carried out online was the inspection by experts, the separation of this procedure allows for the transfer of registration actions from cars to online", - explained the deputy head of the Main Service Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The algorithm for vehicle registration in Ukraine when buying and selling a car now becomes as follows:

• first, you should contact the Expert Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and get their opinion about the vehicle;

• then the 2 parties, the owner and the buyer or their representatives, with a valid opinion, apply to the service center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and carry out re-registration of the vehicle. Or it can also be done online.

In particular, an expert opinion is mandatory for the following registration actions:

• renewal of the vehicle registration certificate, if it was issued before September 1, 2019;

• re-registration from one owner to another; registration of a used vehicle imported from abroad;

• re-registration after inheriting the vehicle, if its certificate was issued to the previous owner before September 1, 2019.

"Another important change is related to the fact that in Ukraine, digital documents such as a driver's license and a vehicle registration certificate are not just as valid as physical documents, but may be the only ones available that allow you to drive a vehicle", -  Baranets added.

Pay attention! The algorithm for issuing such electronic documents includes a full check, comprehensive processing of the application by the administrator of the service center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But in the back office, without personal contact with service customers. That is, the data is checked against all necessary databases and only then the application is approved or not. If there is any information in the databases that prevents the provision of the service, then such an application will be rejected.

We will remind you that earlier we told you what you need to have with you in your car in winter and where to get qualified help in any situation that might happen to you on the winter road. Details at the link.

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