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18 Dec. 2022


Germany has increased the amount of payments for Ukrainians: how much they will pay

For refugees
Germany has increased the amount of payments for Ukrainians: how much they will pay

The German government has increased financial aid for unemployment to refugees from Ukraine. Find out what amount will be paid from next month

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An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine

Currently, thousands of Ukrainian refugees are temporarily living in Germany. From June 1, Ukrainians in Germany receive Hartz IV basic unemployment benefit in the amount of 449 euros. Recently, the country's government officially announced an increase in financial aid for unemployment. Ukrainians will be able to receive new increased payments as early as January 1, 2023.

Increased payments: what amount Ukrainians will be able to receive from the new year

Hartz IV is the basic unemployment benefit assigned by the German employment center - Jobcenter. The increase in the amount of assistance will affect not only Germans, but also Ukrainians who are in Germany under the status of temporary protection.

The Federal Ministry of Labor is implementing a project that will increase unemployment benefits for single adults and single parents by €53.

It is also expected to increase the amount of payments for socially vulnerable categories of the population:

• adults - 451 euros (currently 404 euros);

• children 14-17 years old - 420 euros (now 376 euros);

• children 6-13 years old - 348 euros (now 311 euros);

• children under 5 years old - 318 euros (now 285 euros).

Updated payments will be available without delay starting January 1, 2023.

 "There is no need to submit a new application for unemployment benefits. People who are already receiving Hartz IV payments will automatically receive increased payments from January", - the Bürgergeld website says.

Refugees from Ukraine will receive payments on par with Germans

Ukrainians who arrived in Germany after February 24 are considered refugees from the war. That is why they are equal to German citizens in terms of unemployment benefits.

"Today, the status of an emigrant from Ukraine is equal to the status of unemployment in Germany. Ukrainians will receive Hartz IV payments until January 1, 2023, when the law on the citizen's income enters into force. After that, Ukrainians will automatically have the right to a citizen's income", - explains Bürgergeld.

In this way, Ukrainian refugees will be able to receive payments in accordance with their personal situation. It is noted that Ukrainians will be entitled to additional assistance or any other social support provided for by the provisions on basic income.

We will remind you! Earlier, we talked about how to stay in Germany after the end of hostilities on the territory of Ukraine. Learn more about obtaining a permanent residence permit here.

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