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26 Jan. 2023


Compensation for the loss of a home during war: how to record the destruction correctly

Compensation for the loss of a home during war: how to record the destruction correctly

Ukrainians whose homes were destroyed as a result of the war have the right to receive monetary compensation from the state. Learn more about how to properly capture destruction

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The full-scale war in Ukraine has been going on for almost a year. During this time, the territory of the country was subjected to mass shelling thousands of times. Enemy forces brazenly and chaotically attack civilian infrastructure, including the homes of civilians. Currently, residents of Ukraine who lost their homes due to an aggressive war can apply for compensation from the state. How to properly record a destroyed home is described below.

Victims can already submit an application through the "Diia" application. For this, it is necessary to make photo and video recording of the destruction.

How to record destruction correctly?

- to record destruction, use photos and videos, setting the gadget to the highest image quality;

- if possible, enable geolocation on the device;

- during shooting, comment on the picture in detail: location, date, time, details of damage (if possible, record information about the destruction from third parties, which are provided in advance);

- record the destruction in close-up and close-up, shoot all external and internal damage (take landscape shots, show the surrounding area, nearby objects - this will allow you to accurately identify the location of the shooting);

- save photos and videos in their original form: without using graphic editors;

- make copies of the shooting results and save them on different media: flash drive, file exchange, etc.

How is the amount of compensation determined?

For each owner of the object, the amount of compensation is determined based on the area belonging to him and the cost of 1 square meter. m.

The process of the commission making a decision on compensation for war-damaged housing and calculating the amount of such compensation is completely transparent and has several levels of safeguards against corruption, assures the head of the ruling party "Sluga Narody" Olena Shulyak.

According to the Kyiv School of Economics, the total amount of direct damage to the infrastructure of Ukraine due to the war unleashed by russia amounted to about 138 billion dollars. Most of the losses are due to the destruction of housing, about 54 billion dollars.

We will remind you! The government approved the initiative of the Ministry of Reintegration on the Rights of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) for a preferential mortgage loan. Currently, resettled people can get a loan rate for housing in the amount of 3% per annum. How to do it, read in our material.

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