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03 Mar. 2022


​​Thousands of foreigners from all around the world are going to fight for Ukraine


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​​Thousands of foreigners from all around the world are going to fight for Ukraine

Help our volunteers who support Ukraine and all foreigners in the country 24/7

According to Volodymyr Zelensky, the first 16 (sixteen) tousand of volunteers from different countries who are ready to fight against Russia, are going to Ukraine. Also the President of Ukraine has announced the creation of the International legion of the territorial defense to everybody who wants being admitted. 

As of March, 3rd the dedicated call center is operating in Ukraine. It will receive the enquiries from the foreigners because the number of persons willing to join exceeded the expectation.

The foreign volunteers will be provided with arms and all necesarry equipment. 

Ukraine has cancelled visas for all the forigners wishing to join the International legion. In order to come to Ukraine and fight side by side with Ukrainian soldiers, the foreigners should: 

Contact the Embassy of Ukraine in your country of residence and express the desire to join the International legion if the territorial defense of Ukraine;

Enquiry the list of documents you should present;

Submit the application to join the Territorial defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Once you arrived to Ukraine, you can sign the contract and proceed with the fight against the Russian occupiers.

By the way, from the beginning of the active military operations of Russia against Ukraine, 80 000 (eighty thousand) of Ukrainians, the majority being men, returned from abroad.