From March 16, 2022, citizens of Ukraine have the opportunity to apply for a PESEL number.
PESEL will allow you to use social assistance, medical services, access to the education system and even start your own company in Poland.
What is a PESEL number?
Powszechny Elektroniczny System Ewidencji Ludności (PESEL), the Universal Electronic Population Registration System, is an eleven-digit digital symbol that identifies an individual.
Previously, PESEL could be obtained by those who were in permanent or temporary residence. So those who have been permanently in Poland for more than three months.
Who can get PESEL today:
🔸 citizens of Ukraine;
🔸 family members of a citizen of Ukraine who has a Polish Card;
🔸 spouses of a citizen of Ukraine who does not have Ukrainian citizenship and has arrived in Poland since February 24, 2022, and crossed the border to enter directly from the territory of Ukraine.
PESEL number includes:
▪️ date of birth
▪️ tax number
▪️ gender designation
▪️ reference number
Submitting documents to PESEL
PESEL registration is carried out by commune administrations. To find the address of the nearest office, follow the link and enter the address of your current stay
Then you need to prepare the documents:
- Application for granting a PESEL number to a citizen of Ukraine in connection with an armed conflict: https://www.gov.pl/attachment/558de07f-628e-4e4b-81a2-0ec6c9702da1 ;
The application form can also be obtained from the commune administration.
- A document confirming the person from whom you indicated in the application. If there is no such document, then signing a statement by you is legally equivalent to the statement that your data is correct.
Data stated in the statement:
- Name and surname,
- date and place of birth,
- country of birth and citizenship,
- date of entry into Poland,
- Ukrainian identification number - if any.
In case of filling in the application on behalf of a minor (child under 18 years of age), it is necessary to indicate the data of the parents and/or the person who takes care of the child.
- Color photo size 35 x 45 mm.
ATTENTION You will be fingerprinted when applying.
After receiving the PESEL number, you can also get a Trusted Profile.
A trusted profile is a digital tool that allows you to resolve issues with documents online
What is a NIP?
The tax identification number must have people or companies that are subject to mandatory taxation in the Republic of Poland.
Individuals or legal entities, organizational units that do not have the right of subjectivity, as well as departments of legal entities that are taxpayers based on certain provisions, are subject to mandatory registration and receive a NIP number.
To obtain a NIP, you need to contact the relevant Tax Office (Urząd Skarbowy), where you need to fill out an identification form, NIP-3.
Thus, while the PESEL number may be issued to ordinary persons, the NIP applies only to taxpayers. That is, the role of the first is purely informational, but the second is already used for tax purposes.
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