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31 Mar. 2022


Free Warsaw: opportunities for Ukrainians


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Free Warsaw: opportunities for Ukrainians

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A huge number of Ukrainian citizens are now in Europe and have been under constant stress for more than a month. Psychologists advise to return to habits and rituals, and, of course, to remember about a pleasant pastime - this is of great help in stabilizing the psycho-emotional state.

The capital of Poland, Warsaw, is an ancient and surprisingly beautiful city. Some of the Ukrainians have been at home here for a long time, and some had the opportunity to meet him for the first time.

When you are in the city for the first time, you should first go on a sightseeing tour to get acquainted with the monuments of history and architecture, as well as dive in its unusual atmosphere. In addition, Warsaw offers a lot of excursions of the widest range.


📍 Tours Gratis - 2.5 hour sightseeing tour of the city center with its old streets and squares, all attractions.

📍 Free Walking Tour - several excursions to choose from. For example, in addition to the overview classics of the Old Town, you can see communist Warsaw, alternative, street art, Jewish city and look at the capital of Poland through the prism of World War II.

📍 Free Tour - this resource offers two tours: Old Town (two hours) and Jewish Warsaw (2.5 hours).

📍 Orange Umbrella - many themed city tours


Almost every museum in Warsaw has a day when admission is free.

🏛 National Museum (l. Jerozolimskie 3). The largest painting museum in Warsaw. The collection has paintings from ancient times and almost to the present. It is free to see only the permanent exhibition (no separate exhibitions), every Tuesday, 10:00 - 18:00.

🏛 Center for Contemporary Art Ujazdów Castle (ul. Jazdów 2). The former residence of the kings has become a center of modern art. In addition to viewing the exhibition, you can get to various events and film screenings. Free admission every Thursday, 12:00 - 21:00.

🏛 National Gallery of Art "Zachenta" (pl. Małachowskiego 3). The most prestigious center of contemporary art in Poland. Currently, there are only Polish artists, but periodically exhibited are Malevich, Picasso, Cezanne and others. You can get there for free on Thursdays, 12:00 - 20:00.

🏛 Museum of the History of Polish Jews POLIN (Mordechaja Anielewicza 6). A museum of the history of Polish Jewry has been opened on the territory of the Warsaw Ghetto. Admission is free every Thursday, 10:00 - 18:00.

🏛 Poster Museum (Stanisława Kostki Potockiego 10/16). The location is a former royal residence in Wilanów. You can often come across works by world-famous authors, interesting thematic exhibitions. Free of charge - every Monday, from 14:00 to 16:00.

🏛 Chopin Museum (Okolnik 1). The collection of this museum is entirely dedicated to the figure and work of the outstanding composer. Personal belongings, video and audio installations, photographs and manuscripts of the composer. Of course, lots of ​​his wonderful music! You can come free of charge on Sunday, 11:00 - 20:00.

🏛 Geological Museum of the State Geological Institute (Rakowiecka 4). As the name suggests, the museum focuses on minerals and stones, there are also dinosaur remains and other attractions. We highly recommend visiting it with children. Admission is always free.

Observation decks and parks:

🌳 Two incredibly beautiful and interesting gardens are located on the roofs of Warsaw buildings: the one above the Warsaw University Library (Powiśle, Dobra 56/66) and the one above the Copernicus Science Center (Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 20). The first is open from May to September, from 8:00 to 20:00, the second - from May to August, from 10:00 to 20:00, and from September to October - from 10:00 to 17:00.

🌳 Royal Baths Park (Agrykoli 1). This park complex is rightly considered one of the most beautiful in Warsaw. In addition, it is the largest one. Here you can see the Palace on the water and, in fact, the lake, the White House, the greenhouse, the Myshlevitsky Palace. On Thursday, 10:00 - 18:00, admission is free.

🌳 And another park within the city - Pole Mokotowskie Park (Śródmieście, Aleja Niepodległości).

🌳 Kampinos National Park. A real biosphere reserve - 40 hectares. You will be able to get acquainted with more than 1,500 plants in deciduous and pine forests, the trails of which are free to walk for wild boars, deer, elk, beavers, roe deer, foxes, hares, badgers, martens and many other animals.

Other features:

📌When you are going to the Royal Baths Park, be sure to start the walk a little earlier - from the street Krakow suburb (from the Castle Square in the Old Town). Here are the buildings of the Warsaw University campus, and the Krasinski Palace, the Presidential Palace, the Basilica of St. Christ and the Potocki Palace. If you wander around a bit, you can get to Novy Svyat Street - a very tourist one, with cafes and bars, many shops.

We also recommend visiting the Prague area - it is old, previously it was a suburb. It was almost unharmed during the war, so everything is as it has been for centuries. You will definitely like its parks and cafes, there is a very interesting art platform Soho Factory.