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14 May. 2024


Who is eligible for a postponement of the draft in May 2024: a detailed list

Who is eligible for a postponement of the draft in May 2024: a detailed list

Martial law and general mobilization in Ukraine continues. The government continues to adopt new rules and laws on conscription. Find out more about the categories of men who are eligible for a draft deferment from May 2024

Legal assistance on migration issues for Ukrainians in Ukraine and abroad
Legal assistance on migration issues for Ukrainians in Ukraine and abroad

On May 18, 2024, a new law on mobilization will come into force, which removes the category of “limitedly fit”. Now, all men who have previously received this status automatically lose their right to deferment and are required to undergo a medical examination again, which will determine whether they are fit or unfit for service.

We will tell you who will lose the right to a deferment after the new law comes into force, and who will gain it.

For which citizens the presence of military registration documents when crossing the border is mandatory and what are the exceptions, read at the link.

Who will lose the right to deferment?

With the beginning of the full-scale invasion, men began to enroll in higher education institutions more actively, hoping to avoid mobilization. However, with the entry into force of the new law, not all students will be able to use the draft deferment. Now, the deferment is granted only to those students who are studying full-time or dual enrollment, obtaining a higher level of education than the previous one.

This means that a second or third higher education will no longer allow for a draft deferment. The new law also reduced the draft age, which resulted in the loss of the deferral for men aged 25 and 26.

In addition, parents with many children will lose the right to deferment if they have child support arrears. Territorial Compensation Centers will also have access to the register of debtors.

Another novelty is the deprivation of the deferment of conscription for employees of enterprises, institutions and organizations of the Ministry of Defense. 

In our previous article, we reported that Ukraine had decided to significantly increase fines for violations of the mobilization rules, including these rules, amid changes to the mobilization rules.

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Who will be eligible for a military service deferment under the new law?

According to the provisions of the new law, the following groups of persons will be entitled to a deferment from mobilization from May 2024:

1. Persons with disabilities of all groups, confirmed by the Military Qualification Commission (with a second examination in 6-12 months);

2. Persons who were held in captivity and discharged from service in the reserve;

3. Parents of many children with minor children in the absence of child support arrears;

4. Parents and guardians of minor children with any disability group;

5. Parents who support an adult child with a disability group I or II;

6. Parents of minor children, if the other parent is in military service;

7. Single mothers and fathers;

8. Scientists and teachers who work at least 0.75 time;

9. Guardians of persons recognized by the court as incapacitated;

10. Persons supporting parents with disability group I or II, if their spouse also needs care;

11. Grandchildren of a grandparent with disability group I or II, if the closest relatives are absent, ill or mobilized;

12. Persons whose close relatives went missing, died during military service or were posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine.

Earlier, we told you that Russia unexpectedly fired Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and appointed a civilian official far from military affairs. 

In addition, some security forces and civil servants were also granted the right to defer mobilization:

1. People's deputies;

2. Judges;

3. The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights;

4. The Chairman and other members of the Accounting Chamber;

5. Diplomatic officials;

6. Employees of military administration bodies, military units of the Ministry of Defense, the Armed Forces, the State Border Guard Service, the Security Service of Ukraine, the SZRU, the National Guard Service, the State Border Guard Service, the MIA apparatus and experts of the MIA expert service institutions.

The right to a deferment must be confirmed in the CCC, otherwise a person may be called up for service.

If you have any difficulties with the preparation of the necessary documents or any other problems, please contact professional lawyers for advice. Our experts will help you find a solution using an individual approach to each situation. You can order a consultation by following the link.

Will husbands whose wives have a disability of group III be able to get a deferment?

Spouses of persons with group III disabilities are subject to restrictions. Husbands liable for military service will receive a deferment only if the wife's disability is caused by cancer, missing limbs, mental disorder in oncology, cerebral palsy or other paralytic syndromes.

Read more about the grounds for men to travel abroad in May 2024.

Who is eligible for mobilization reservations?

According to the provisions of the new law, only employees of enterprises that are important to the country will be able to receive reservations. However, even they must be registered in a special register.

The following categories of persons liable for military service can apply for reservations:

1. High-ranking officials;

2. Heads of regional and district councils, cities and villages;

3. Employees of government agencies and state institutions;

4. Final beneficiaries of critical enterprises;

5. Employees of the media and culture sector;

6. Employees of other enterprises that are critical to the needs of the Armed Forces and the functioning of the economy.

Who needs to update military registration data in the TCC and how to do it, read here. Procedure for updating data for conscripts who are abroad at the link.

We remind you! The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has adopted a draft law on the provision of administrative services to Ukrainians, including those abroad. Read more about the details of the new law and the specifics of administrative services.

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

Ihor Usyk is the Head of Legal Department at Visit Ukraine

On the Visit Ukraine portal, you can get legal advice on migration law. Our lawyers will answer all your questions and, if necessary, help you collect, submit and receive the documents you need. You can order a specialist consultation or full legal support by following this link.

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