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16 Aug. 2022


Verkhovna Rada extended the term of the martial law in Ukraine


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Verkhovna Rada extended the term of the martial law in Ukraine

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On August 15, Verkhovna Rada supported the Presidential Decree on the extension of martial law. It was first introduced for a period of 3 months from February 24, 2022 in connection with the large-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation. Rumors circulated that martial law could only last for 3 months, after which it would either have to be lifted or a state of war declared. But the Law of Ukraine "On the Legal Regime of Martial Law" does not prescribe restrictions on the extension and duration of martial law. Therefore, martial law can last as long as the threat to Ukraine lasts.

Therefore, the martial law has been extended for the third time by 90 days (currently from August 23 to November 21, 2022). At the same time, the law on general mobilization continues to apply. All citizens of Ukraine (mostly male) aged 18 to 60 can be called up to the ranks of the Armed Forces to fulfill their military duty to the country. This decision was adopted "in connection with the large-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and for the purpose of ensuring the defense of the state, maintaining the combat capability of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations."

We remind you that certain rules and restrictions apply during martial law, in particular:

— a curfew is introduced;

— a special access regime is established (for entry/exit in the city, district, region);

— verification of documents, inspection of property and transport;

— introduction of compulsory labor (for the performance of defense works, liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations, assistance to the military, etc.);

— you may be deprived of property for the needs of the army (with the issuance of the necessary documents for compensation);

— a ban on holding peaceful strikes, rallies, and other mass events is introduced;

— evacuation of the population in case of danger;

— full control of means of communication and television, etc.

Regarding the mobilization of men, there is a lot of fake and contradictory information on this matter. First of all, the delivery of summonses and summons to the military commissariat does not mean that the person has already been mobilized. It is necessary to pass a verification of credentials, a medical examination. Certain categories of conscripts have the right to deferment during mobilization. At the same time, it is worth considering that the presence of a postponement does not mean that the person can be released abroad. The border service has its own list, according to which a man of conscription age can leave Ukraine.