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26 Aug. 2022


Lessons under fire. How will the school year pass in Ukraine?

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Lessons under fire. How will the school year pass in Ukraine?

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The new academic year will begin on September 1. From the point of view of the organization of the educational process, it will be one of the most difficult years for education in Ukraine, because it will take place in conditions of war. We have already explained in detail what the format of the new academic year depends on. Currently, educational institutions already choose different forms of conducting classes in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science. About the situation in the frontline communities and what the safer regions of Ukraine have chosen for themselves next.

Front-line regions, due to the threat of shelling and numerous sirens, usually choose distance or mixed forms of education.

Sumy region - according to social surveys, 78% of parents in the region chose distance education for their children. It is already clearly known that educational institutions located in a 40-kilometer zone from the Russian-Ukrainian border will be transferred to online education. However, the Department of Education and Science of the Sumy Oblast is considering the option of full-time or mixed form for schools that are located in safer parts of the region, have a bomb shelter and meet all the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Chernihiv region suffered greatly at the beginning of the full-scale invasion. Of the 34 schools in the regional center, two were completely destroyed, and 25 have varying degrees of damage. Therefore, the majority of Chernigov students will begin their studies in distance learning. In the region, 82 schools out of 407 are ready for full-time education, therefore, the region is considering a mixed form of education, the Regional Military Administration will make a final decision in the near future. However, it is worth noting that most parents are worried about possible rocket attacks on schools and are afraid to send their children to educational institutions.

67% of parents and 72% of teachers of the Kharkiv region voted for distance education. The Regional Military Administration is still making the final decision, but it is already known that all schools in Kharkiv have switched to online education.

In the Mykolaiv region, about 200 educational institutions of the Mykolaiv, Bashtan and. Mykolaiv districts are in the zone affected by Russian salvo fire systems. Pupils of these schools were transferred to distance learning. In total, 30% of institutions in the region are ready for offline work - 153 out of 448 schools have shelters. The head of the Mykolaiv Regional Military Administration said that parents will make the decision regarding the form of conducting classes in these educational institutions.

Preparations for the new school year have already been completed in Odesa, but only 33 of the city's more than 120 schools will open, because they meet all the requirements. Full-time education was chosen by only 3% of Odesa families. The rest of the students preferred the distance school, which has been operating in the city for several years.

The city council of Dnipro voted for the remote form of education in the city's schools, this decision was also supported by the majority of parents. Lessons are planned to be conducted in two formats: joint - a video conference of students together with the teacher and individual - the child completes the task and sends it to the teacher. In the territorial communities of the south of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, whose settlements suffer from shelling every day, training will also be conducted remotely. Regarding the rest of the educational institutions of the region, the decision has not yet been made.

In Zakarpattia region, active preparation for the start of the new school year in full-time format is underway. A significant part of educational institutions in the region have bomb shelters that meet the standards. Also, 56% of Zakarpattia region parents are ready to send their children to school.

In Lviv, almost all schools in the city also plan to start the school year offline. Out of 127 schools in the city, only 16 lack shelters. The administration of these institutions should conclude agreements with the institutions closest to them, which are equipped with shelters, and in the event of an air raid, evacuate children there. Most parents are also in favor of offline learning.

The most difficult situation is in the war zone. In the Zaporizhzhia region, education can only be conducted online. Mandatory evacuation of the population is currently underway in Donetsk region, so there is no talk of resuming full-time education either. For students from the temporarily occupied territories, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has approved the remote form of classes.

The remote form is safer, but it should be noted that not all families can purchase the necessary equipment for children. The situation is particularly difficult for families who suffered from Russian aggression - they lost their homes or were forced to evacuate.

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine informs that the form of education chosen at the beginning of the year will not be valid for the whole year, if necessary, regional schools may change their work methods. After all, the main priority is the safety of children.