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30 Sep. 2024


USA: Uniting for Ukraine (U4U), rules of entry and residence. Everything a Ukrainian needs to know in 2024 (updated)

For refugees
USA (United States)
USA: Uniting for Ukraine (U4U), rules of entry and residence. Everything a Ukrainian needs to know in 2024 (updated)

The United States continues to accept Ukrainians and provide them with protection under the Uniting for Ukraine program. But there are other opportunities to enter and stay in the United States. Find out all about the current rules for entering the United States in 2024 and how to stay in the United States for a long time

An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine
An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine

The United States still has a special programme that allows Ukrainians to obtain a simplified entry permit, and social support for refugees is available. In addition, Ukrainians who have previously received permission to live and work under humanitarian passwords can apply for an extension of their passwords.

Below, we will tell you how to prepare the documents and what is important to consider when moving to the United States in 2024.

America for Ukrainians: the U4U 2024 programme

Uniting for Ukraine (U4U) is a programme for Ukrainians introduced by US President Joe Biden. As of today, with the exception of a tourist visa, it is the only programme under which Ukrainian citizens can enter the United States and receive an analogue of temporary protection in Europe. In general, the U4U programme allows Ukrainians to enter, live and work in the United States for up to 2 years.

At the same time, starting from 27 February 2024, the US migration services, in accordance with Section 212(d)(5)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, accept and consider applications from Ukrainians and their immediate relatives for the extension of the humanitarian password.

This means that Ukrainian citizens whose humanitarian passwords expire will be able to receive new humanitarian passwords for up to 2 years. More information on the procedure for renewing a humanitarian password can be found here.

Read more about travel insurance: when you need it, the rules for different visa categories, and where to get it here.

U4U programme for Ukrainians in the USA: conditions for participation in 2024

- Reside on the territory of Ukraine as of 11 February 2024 and not leave the country due to the war;
- a valid Ukrainian passport;
- a sponsor in the United States who guarantees you housing and financial support during the move, it does not have to be a relative. You can find a sponsor on a special platform;
- сonfirmed completion of a full course of vaccination against Covid-19, polio and measles;
- passing biometric, biographical and security checks.

More information about the programme can be found here.

Ukrainians can also apply for a visa under the standard procedure. However, due to the large number of applications, priority is given to people travelling to visit their immediate family. At the same time, the approval rate is higher than last year.

You can apply for participation in the Uniting for Ukraine programme and obtain a visa at US embassies in Europe - Poland, Austria, Germany, Romania, Italy, and Bulgaria.

U4U programme for Ukrainians: how to obtain an entry permit and successfully emigrate to the United States?

The U4U programme is somewhat difficult to apply for on your own, especially for those who have no experience in emigration matters, as any inaccuracy in the application form, lack of the necessary certificate, or uncertain answers during the interview with a consular representative can lead to a visa or programme denial.

However, from now on, you can entrust this complex process to specialists, because VIsit Ukraine lawyers provide turnkey assistance in applying for the programme and take care of all the stages: from collecting to submitting and receiving documents.

applying for a sponsor who meets all the relevant criteria under the U4U programme;

applying for a humanitarian password;

filling out the I-134 form;

collecting documents;

creating personal profiles on the USCIS website;

 аnalysing the sponsor's documents and optimising them;

confirmation of the beneficiary's biographical data;

 оbtaining an entry permit to the United States;

informing about crossing the US border and obtaining a humanitarian password.

At the same time, the client will have an unlimited number of consultations, as he or she will be assigned a lawyer who will be in touch 24/7.

Another important advantage of the turnkey service is the timing - the application process with the possibility of arriving in the United States will take up to 5 weeks.

VIsit Ukraine lawyers provide qualified assistance at all stages of the procedure for obtaining a non-immigrant visa to the United States for Ukrainian citizens and help reduce the risk of refusal when applying to the American consulate.

Remember. Legal support is important not only to facilitate the process of obtaining a permit, but also to avoid financial losses and fraud.

To order a turnkey service for obtaining a permit to enter the United States under the Uniting For Ukraine (U4U) programme, please follow the link.

Long-term immigration with a humanitarian password: how can a Ukrainian get to the United States and stay for a long time?

For Ukrainians who are in the United States under the humanitarian password, family-based immigration is a realistic option to stay in the United States for a long time.

This requires a close relative who is a US citizen or a green card holder, i.e. a lawful permanent resident of the United States, which allows them to sponsor a Ukrainian citizen.

There are two types of family-based pathways: Immediate Relative (US citizen) and Family-based Preference (US citizen/LPR).

Immediate Relative. Immigrant visas for immediate relatives do not have restrictions on the number of visas that can be issued per year. They are processed quickly, but the entry categories are narrow, and you must have

- a US citizen spouse;
- US citizen parents (if the Ukrainian citizen is under 21 years of age and unmarried);
- children - US citizens over the age of 21.

Family Preference. Family Preference visas are issued in a limited number annually, and the processing of applications takes a long time:

- first preference (F1) - Ukrainians, unmarried sons and unmarried daughters (21 years of age and older) of US citizens;
- second preference (F2A) - Ukrainians, spouses and children (unmarried and under 21 years of age) of lawful permanent residents of the United States;
- second preference (F2B) - Ukrainians, unmarried sons and unmarried daughters (over 21 years of age) of lawful permanent residents of the United States;
- third preference (F3) - Ukrainians, married sons and married daughters of US citizens;
- fourth preference (F4) - Ukrainians, brothers and sisters of US citizens (if the US citizen is 21 years of age or older).

Read more about insurance for applying for a visa and entering the United States in this article.

USA for Ukrainians: how to get asylum?

Asylum status in the United States requires that an applicant not only meet certain legal criteria, but also win an asylum case before applying for permanent residence. An asylum application can only be filed in the United States, within 1 year of the last entry.

Ukrainians with a humanitarian password are also eligible to apply for asylum, but only if they can prove to the USCIS or an immigration court that they cannot return to their home country because they have been persecuted there or have a well-founded fear of future persecution: because of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion.

At the same time, fleeing war or violence is not in itself a sufficient reason for asylum unless the applicant meets other requirements. Thus, each asylum application is considered individually. If the asylum application is approved, the person can apply for a green card. If the asylum application is denied, the applicant must obtain another legal status to remain in the United States.

How to enter the United States on a tourist visa?

A tourist visa to the United States for Ukrainians is issued for 10 years and allows a traveler to make multiple tourist trips to the United States, lasting up to 180 days per visit, but the specific number of days possible to stay in the United States on a tourist visa is determined by a border guard at the airport. As a rule, the first trip is limited to 180 days. At the same time, it is not recommended to travel to the United States with a tourist visa more than 4 times a year and use all 180 days of the permitted period of stay.

How long does it take to get a tourist visa to the USA?

As a rule, the main factor that affects how long it takes to process a visa to the United States is the waiting for the interview. This period can vary from two weeks to several months, and the decision to issue a visa is made during the interview. If approved, you can receive your passport with a visa the very next day. In case of refusal, the applicant receives a written notification.

Documents for obtaining a tourist visa to the United States

To obtain a tourist visa to the United States, you need to prepare the following documents:

1) DS-160 application form, which must be filled out online in advance.

2) Foreign passport. It is better if it contains valid visas or expired visas from other countries. This increases the chances of getting a visa.
3) A document confirming the availability of sufficient funds: bank statement, income statement, letter of guarantee from the travel sponsor, declaration, etc.
4) A document confirming that the tourist has been granted a vacation for the period of the visit to the United States.
5) Parental consent to the departure of minor children. If a minor is traveling with one of the parents, the consent of the other parent is required, or a document stating that the parent is not involved in the upbringing.
6) Confirmation from the place of study (for pupils, students) - a pupil or student card.
You can apply for a tourist visa to the United States at any representative office. Another important aspect concerns the purpose of the trip. It must be explained and confirmed to the officer orally during the interview procedure. It is better not to present tickets or reservations. This can be considered by an embassy or consulate officer as pressure and become a negative factor in making a decision.

Other types of visas to enter the United States

To obtain a Diversity Visa, an applicant must win one of several immigrant visas in the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program lottery, which is held annually by the State Department. After winning, an applicant who is lawfully present in the United States must apply for adjustment of status. You can learn more about other non-family immigrant visas potentially available to Ukrainians with a humanitarian password on the website of the US Department of State.

Social support for refugees in the United States

The U.S. Office of Refugee Affairs guarantees social support to Ukrainians: employment assistance, English language courses, immigration documents, and assistance under the federal Matching Grant program.

The list of services may vary depending on the region of residence. To get help, you need to contact the nearest refugee accommodation center.

Tips to help you apply for the Uniting For Ukraine (U4U) program in the United States.

Financial assistance for refugees in the United States

The United States provides financial support to refugees. However, the amount and duration of payments is calculated individually and depends on your age, family composition, and place of residence.

The government program provides the following types of financial support
- Financial assistance to refugees;
- Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF);
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI);
- assistance for the elderly and people with disabilities.

An application for financial assistance must be submitted to the local department of health and social protection.

Financial and social support for Ukrainians in the United States: what assistance can refugees receive in 2024? Find out here.

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Food assistance in the United States

The SNAP Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program is a program that provides food assistance to low-income people in the United States. The applicant receives a card that can be used to pay for food in stores. The Department of Health and Human Services will send you money to this card every month, the amount of payments depends on the region of residence and family composition. The average amount is $250 per person per month. The application for food assistance is submitted together with the application for financial assistance.

Medical care in the United States

Ukrainians who came to the United States under the "Unite for Ukraine" program are eligible for health insurance under the state Medicaid program. The insurance will give you the opportunity to visit doctors for free. You can apply through the Medicaid office in the region where you live.

It should be remembered that Ukrainians need to obtain an insurance policy to enter the United States. This is a mandatory condition for those traveling on a tourist visa, as the insurance will be checked by American border guards when crossing the border. And this is a desirable condition for those who leave under the refugee program, because at first after arrival, in particular when processing documents and health insurance under the state Medicaid program, it is better to be sure that in case of an emergency or illness, a person will be able to receive guaranteed assistance in a language he or she understands.

You can apply for a health insurance policy for the required period of time on the Visit Ukraine portal at this link.

How do I find housing in the United States?

According to the terms of the program, the sponsor must provide you with housing for the first time when you move, but you must be prepared to rent your own accommodation for a certain period of time.

In order to find a place to live in the United States, you need to prove that you can pay a long-term lease and that you are a good fit for the landlord. In the United States, tenants' rights are protected, so evicting a person from an apartment is a long and expensive process. Because of this, landlords are very careful when choosing new tenants for their apartments.

Sometimes you may even be asked to pay 6 months' rent in advance.It is better to look for accommodation online, the most popular sites are Airbnb, Craigslist and ForRent.

Housing prices vary: in a small city, the monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment will be about $900, while in San Francisco it will be about $3500. The cost of utilities also varies from $100 to $350.

Where to find a job in the USA?

The main advantage of moving under the program for Ukrainian immigrants is the possibility of obtaining a work permit. It is worth noting that it is not automatically granted along with the right to enter, the permit must be obtained separately. The application for a work permit is easy to fill out, but the cost of the document is $410, and the waiting period is 6 to 10 months. Detailed instructions on how to apply for a permit can be found on the US Citizenship and Immigration Services website.

You can get help in finding a job at the Office of Refugee Resettlement or at your local employment center.

Detailed instructions on how to obtain a work permit while extending your humanitarian password in the United States can be found here.

Immigration to the United States through an employer

In this case, a company, organization or educational institution must sponsor a citizen of Ukraine. Please note that persons with a humanitarian password are not eligible to apply for most employment-based immigrant visas, but some work visas are still available. At the same time, persons with a humanitarian password who have left the United States may file such an application at a U.S. consulate abroad.

It is also important to note that persons with a humanitarian password who have left the United States and then re-enter the United States are accepted with a different migration status - it can be a visitor visa, TPS, student visa, or temporary worker status.

In general, immigration to the United States on a work visa is a very complex and constantly changing area. It is best to consult an experienced immigration attorney.

Assistance for families with children in the United States

Families with children are eligible to apply for financial assistance under the Head Start program to pay for childcare while parents are working. The program also provides support for mothers, infants, and early childhood development, including school readiness, social worker visits, and food assistance.

There are two types of schools in the United States: public and private. All children have the right to attend public school, regardless of social status. However, due to the large number of applications, some schools may have a waiting list. Private schools are available with the support of charitable foundations and organizations. You may be lucky enough to find a suitable program for your child and start studying in a private institution.

All the necessary information about moving to the United States is collected on the website.

If you need legal assistance on migration issues, please contact Visit Ukraine lawyers. Our specialists will answer your questions, help you solve urgent problems with submitting or obtaining the necessary documents, and advise you on the current rules for leaving Ukraine, changing the country of temporary protection, or other migration issues.

You can order a specialist consultation on our website at this link.

We remind you! The Government of Ukraine plans to actively encourage refugees to return to their homeland through payments. This initiative is aimed at ensuring the integration of citizens and the restoration of life in Ukraine. For more information on how soon Ukrainians abroad will be paid assistance for returning home, please read our previous article.

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

Ihor Usyk is the Head of Legal Department at Visit Ukraine

In order to organize a trip, ensure a safe move and successful employment in a new country, I advise you to contact a specialist. My colleagues, qualified specialists with legal education, will help you avoid unpleasant situations when traveling abroad.

Do you have additional questions? Contact the Visit Ukraine hotline (Telegram | WhatsApp).

Our recommendation for a safe and comfortable trip: 

Visit Ukraine Insurance - insurance for a safe stay abroad without unnecessary expenses;

Green Card - compulsory car insurance for traveling abroad;

Visit Ukraine Tickets - book tickets for buses, trains, and airplanes to/from Ukraine and between cities around the world;

Private Lawyer service - professional legal support on visa and migration issues;

Visit Ukraine Merch - buy patriotic clothing and accessories with worldwide delivery.

© 2018-2024, Visit Ukraine. Use, copying or reprinting of materials on this site is permitted only with a link (hyperlink for online publications) to Visit Ukraine.

All rights reserved.


asked questions

When does the Uniting for Ukraine program end?

Deadlines The application process started on April 25, 2022 and is still open. There is no end date for the program yet.

How to obtain temporary protection status in the United States?

How do I extend my U4U program?

How to obtain US citizenship for Ukrainians?

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