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18 Aug. 2024


Czech Republic: rules of entry, obtaining a humanitarian visa and residence

For refugees
Czech Republic
Czech Republic: rules of entry, obtaining a humanitarian visa and residence

Each European country has a specific list of requirements for Ukrainian refugees. Find out about the rules of entry and stay, temporary protection and tolerance visas, health insurance and financial assistance for Ukrainians in the Czech Republic.

An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine
An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine

The Czech Republic has been actively supporting Ukrainians since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. Back in the first weeks of the war, the Czech Republic approved a programme of assistance to refugees from Ukraine, but it has been amended throughout the period of the full-scale invasion. We have collected information on the basic rules of moving to the Czech Republic and the main changes in legislation in this article

Rules of entry and stay of Ukrainians in the Czech Republic

Ukrainians can enter the Czech Republic on the basis of a visa-free regime. When crossing the border, you do not need to present COVID-19 vaccination certificates or PCR test results. Within 3 days of arriving in the Czech Republic, Ukrainians are required to register with the Foreign Police or apply for temporary protection at the Regional Centre for Assistance to Ukraine.

Ukrainians can obtain two types of residence permits in the Czech Republic:

- tolerance visa;

- temporary protection.

Obtaining a tolerance visa for Ukrainian migrants in the Czech Republic

A tolerance visa is granted to Ukrainians who are not eligible for temporary protection and cannot stay in a country other than the Czech Republic. In other words, Ukrainians who have a residence permit in a country other than the Czech Republic and Ukraine cannot obtain such a visa.

You can apply for a visa in person or use an exception and send it by post. The Government of the Czech Republic allows obtaining a visa on the following grounds:

- family reunification;

- education

- employment;

- other valid reasons.

Obtaining temporary protection for Ukrainians in the Czech Republic

As of 1 January, the procedure for obtaining temporary protection was changed.

If you have your own secure accommodation, you need to apply to the KACPU in the relevant region with the necessary documents and proof of residence (this can be a lease agreement or a certificate of the owner of the accommodation with his/her obligatory signature). In case of subletting, the documents must be accompanied by a sublease agreement and a lease agreement with a clause allowing for subletting.

If you do not have your own housing and want to apply for free housing, you can do so only at the KACPU in Ostrava - housing is provided only in this region. They will also help you apply for temporary protection and health insurance.

According to the amendments of 1 January 2024, refugees can receive free housing only for the first 150 days of temporary protection. An exception is made for the so-called ‘vulnerable categories’ who have been approved and paid humanitarian aid for the previous month. Accordingly, the issue of providing free housing is considered every 30 days.

According to the amendments of 1 September 2024, state humanitarian housing will be provided only to newly arrived refugees and only for 90 days. Exceptions for ‘vulnerable categories’ will be cancelled.

Just a reminder. If Ukrainians come to the territory of the Czech Republic without a visa, they can stay in the country for a maximum of 90 days within 180 days.

Please note! Ukrainians who have applied for an extension of temporary protection must report to the Migration Service by 30.09.2024. The date of the visit can be changed only once. If a Ukrainian fails to make such a visit, his or her temporary protection will be automatically cancelled on 30 September of the current year.

A change of residence must also be reported within 3 days. To do this, you can use the form on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The completed application form with attachments is sent by post to one of the offices of the Department for Foreigners of the Ministry of the Interior. Letters sent by e-mail are not taken into account!

What do I need to apply for temporary protection in the Czech Republic?

- a form

- a valid foreign biometric passport

- confirmation that you were in Ukraine before 24 February 2022 and left the territory of Ukraine as a result of the invasion of the Russian Federation (for example, a stamp in your passport, a humanitarian border crossing certificate or other document issued in your name that would confirm your stay in Ukraine)

- a document on the provision of accommodation, if you are not provided with accommodation by the anti-crisis committee

We recommend that you bring a passport-size photo (45 x 35 mm).

The list of centres is available here.

You can apply for temporary protection status on the basis of any identity document:

- a foreign passport (regular or biometric);

- passport of a citizen of Ukraine or ID card;

- children - passport or birth certificate;

- elderly people - a pension certificate.

It is worth noting that temporary protection status is not refugee status. You will be able to return to Ukraine at any time and you will also have the right to work legally in the Czech Republic.

Do I have to report that I have arrived in the Czech Republic?

Yes. Every foreigner who arrives in the Czech Republic is obliged to register with the Police of the Czech Republic - the Foreigners' Residence Office of the Department of the Police for Foreigners within three days of arrival in the Czech Republic (in case of accommodation in hotels or dormitories, the landlord is responsible for registration). We recommend that you make sure that the landlord has actually done so.

Pursuant to Act No. 326/1999 Coll. on the Residence of Foreigners in the Czech Republic, a landlord is a person who provides accommodation to persons fleeing from Ukraine and meets the conditions set out in § 99 of the Act. The landlord is subject to the obligations set out in § 100 of Act No. 326/1999 of 1999 Coll.

Do I have to bring my children under the age of 15 with me to register with the Police for Foreigners?

Pursuant to Article 93(1) of the Act on the Residence of Foreigners No. 326/1999 of 1999, a foreigner under the age of 15 is not obliged to report his/her place of residence. Therefore, they are not required to register. The application for temporary protection for a minor under 15 years of age is submitted by the minor's legal representative.

Do I have to bring my child under the age of 15 with me to the OAMP MV branch or KAPCU?

We recommend that you bring your child with you if their personal presence is necessary to perform certain actions. It is possible that you may need to come several times. If you are applying for temporary protection for your child without his/her presence, you must bring a foreign biometric passport, birth certificate and passport-size photographs.

More detailed information on the rules of moving to the Czech Republic can be found in our article here.

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Finding accommodation for Ukrainians in the Czech Republic

The Regional Centres for Ukrainians have special rooms for rest. If you have arrived in the Czech Republic and have no relatives or friends there, you can ask the centre staff to find you accommodation. You can also search for an apartment on the website.

If you are able to rent an apartment at your own expense, you can rent it on one of the following websites: sreality.cz or bezrealitky.cz.

Financial assistance to Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic provides financial assistance to Ukrainians who have been granted temporary protection. Since 1 July 2023, the Czech Republic has been paying financial assistance to Ukrainian refugees at the subsistence level. After 150 days, Ukrainians will receive the minimum subsistence level. The exception is the so-called ‘vulnerable persons’. From this time on, housing costs will be included in humanitarian aid - applicants will be entitled to a housing allowance of CZK 3,000 per person (for those living in apartments officially registered as refugee apartments) or CZK 2,400 (for those living in unregistered apartments or collective dormitories and paying for their own accommodation). For the category of ‘vulnerable persons’, the compensation for accommodation in registered flats is CZK 6,000, in other cases - CZK 4,800.

You can receive financial assistance in cash or on a bank card. To do this, you need to open an account with a Czech bank. Instructions are available here.

Medical services and health insurance for migrants in the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic will pay for health insurance services for Ukrainians who have been granted temporary protection status for 150 days. With this policy, you will be able to receive free medical care in the country. However, when 150 days have passed since the date of granting the status, all refugees aged 18 to 65 will have to pay for health insurance on their own, except for students, job seekers registered with the Employment Service and some other categories of citizens.

Ukrainians must notify the insurance company of the expiry of the 150-day period on their own, and they have 8 days to do so. You can visit the insurance company in person or fill out an online form.

You also need to take care of new insurance. Information on how to take out insurance while abroad is available here.

The official website of the VZR is now available to help you with health insurance issues.

Where can Ukrainian refugees find work in the Czech Republic?

Ukrainians with temporary protection status have free access to the Czech labour market and can work without a work permit. Of course, the main advantage when looking for a job will be knowledge of the Czech language. There are many courses available on the Internet that teach the language online.

When looking for a job, we advise you to use direct job offers, for example, on the pages of the Government of the Czech Republic, or on the portals prace.cz and workania.eu.

Education of Ukrainians in Czech educational institutions

Children who arrive in the Czech Republic with their parents have the right to attend kindergarten or school free of charge. However, psychologists advise enrolling a child in an institution after a certain period of adaptation. Schools have special groups for children to meet their peers for the first time.

Please also note that if you decide to return to Ukraine, your temporary protection status is not automatically cancelled upon departure. To close the permit, you need to contact the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy.

Please note: Temporary protection does not cease when a foreigner leaves the territory of the Czech Republic.

If you have been granted a special long-term visa with the code D/VS/U - special visa for Ukrainian citizens, you are automatically transferred to the temporary protection system. With this visa, you can travel outside the territory of the Czech Republic, but only within Schengen and Ukraine, although the number of entries is indicated as ‘00’. Other trips outside of Schengen will be allowed in emergency situations, provided that the need for the trip is justified (business trip, urgent medical procedures, caring for relatives) and the airline ticket or ticket is presented.

Additional information for Ukrainian refugees can be obtained by calling the hotline at +420 974 801 802.

Earlier we reported that the Czech authorities have introduced a new type of residence permit for refugees from Ukraine. Details are available here.

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

Our recommendation for a safe and comfortable trip: 

Visit Ukraine Insurance - insurance for a safe stay abroad without unnecessary expenses;

Green Card - compulsory car insurance for traveling abroad;

Visit Ukraine Tickets - book tickets for buses, trains, and airplanes to/from Ukraine and between cities around the world;

Private Lawyer service - professional legal support on visa and migration issues;

Visit Ukraine Merch - buy patriotic clothing and accessories with worldwide delivery.

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asked questions

What permits does a Ukrainian need to enter the territory of the Czech Republic?

Ukrainians can enter the Czech Republic on the basis of a visa-free regime. When crossing the border, you do not need to present COVID-19 vaccination certificates or PCR test results.

How long does a Ukrainian refugee have to register in the Czech Republic?

Who can obtain a tolerance visa in the Czech Republic?

In which district in the Czech Republic can Ukrainians get free housing?

How many days will Ukrainian refugees be able to receive free accommodation in the Czech Republic from September 2024?

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