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19 Nov. 2024


Who can take a child abroad during the war

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Who can take a child abroad during the war

Due to the martial law in Ukraine, the rules for travelling abroad by minors have been slightly changed. Find out more about who can accompany minors when crossing the border and what documents are required

Health insurance is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside Ukraine
Health insurance is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside Ukraine

The martial law in Ukraine changed the rules for minors travelling abroad in 2024. Now, children can cross the state border with one of their parents without the mandatory notarial consent of the other parent, as well as with authorised persons on the basis of relevant documents. Who can take a child abroad during the war and what documents are required for this purpose - we will tell you further in the article.

Travelling abroad with a child: new rules for taking children abroad

The rules for taking minors abroad have a number of peculiarities for children under 16. The legislation sets out clear restrictions and requirements for accompanying such children.

During martial law, the border crossing procedure is somewhat simplified. Children may travel accompanied by one of their parents, older relatives or other authorised persons without additional notarised permission from the other parent.

In particular, it is allowed for a child to travel accompanied by:

- one of the parents;

- grandparents;

- an adult brother or sister;

- stepmother or stepfather;

- a guardian or trustee;

- other persons authorised by the parents.

Read moreabout travelling abroad with a child in your own car here.

Documents for crossing the border with a child

To travel abroad with a minor child accompanied by one of the parents, the child's birth certificate or passport is sufficient, even if the passport is expired.

If the child is accompanied by a relative, such as an aunt, grandmother, adult sister, or stepfather, they need to bring:

- documents that can confirm the relationship with the child;

- a certified consent from one of the parents stating that this person is taking the child abroad.

It is also worth noting that the accompanying adult must have a valid passport.

However, it is worth knowing that during martial law, a statement of authorised persons certified by the guardianship and custody authority is a mandatory requirement of the border service.

Permission for children to travel abroad from Ukraine in 2024: list of documents for notarisation

To obtain a notarial consent, the following documents should be provided to the notary:

- original passports of the parents;

- registration numbers of the parents' taxpayer registration cards;

- the child's birth certificate.

The document is drawn up in the form of a statement on which the authenticity of the parents' signatures is notarised. Notarised consent prevents the child from being illegally taken out of Ukraine.

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At what age can I go abroad without parents: is it possible to go abroad at the age of 16 during the war?

Ukrainian legislation clearly defines the rules for independent travel abroad for teenagers. From the moment a young person reaches the age of 16, he or she has the full right to travel abroad without additional permits or parental accompaniment.

The Civil Code of Ukraine (Article 313) unambiguously enshrines this possibility. A teenager aged 16 can freely cross the state border on his or her own, without any additional approvals or adult accompaniment.

When planning a trip, it is important to take into account several practical points:

- prepare a full package of documents;

- take out medical insurance;

- ensure financial readiness for the trip.

It is especially recommended to agree on the details of the trip with your parents in advance, even if you have the full legal right to travel on your own.

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Do I need a parent's permission for my child to travel abroad in 2024?

Under martial law, which has been in force in Ukraine since February 2022, the rules for children travelling abroad have been significantly simplified. In particular, parents no longer need to obtain a notarised power of attorney from the other parent to travel with their child.

To cross the border, it is enough to have the child's original birth certificate. This applies if the child is accompanied by one of the parents or a legal guardian.

Is it possible to leave Ukraine at the age of 17?

A person aged 17 does not need additional permission from their parents to cross the border. Such citizens are allowed to leave the country provided they have all the relevant documents.

It should be noted that during martial law, restrictions on leaving Ukraine apply to citizens aged 18 to 60. At the same time, according to the State Border Guard Service, 17-year-olds can leave Ukraine even if they are a few days away from reaching the age of majority.

Read more about travelling abroad by 17-year-olds, the rules and who can be denied, here.

Please note! Additional information on the rules for taking children abroad in 2024 can be found here:

Is it possible to prohibit a child from crossing the Ukrainian border;

What to do if the parent does not give permission for the child to travel abroad;

Travelling abroad for orphans: what you need to know;

Travelling abroad by men raising children on their own.

For a successful move and avoidance of troubles, it is worth contacting specialists. The lawyers of Visit Ukraine provide full support and advice onmigration issues to successfully resolve any nuances.

Just to remind you! The requirements for child car seats in European countries have been changed. Find out what Ukrainian drivers need to know about transporting children in cars in European countries here.

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

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asked questions
Is it possible to take a child abroad without a parent's permission in 2024?
For the period of introduction of the legal regime of martial law in Ukraine, the provisions of the thirteenth paragraph of paragraph 2-3 of the Rules “On Approval of the Rules for Crossing the State Border by Citizens of Ukraine” are in force. According to the Resolution:
Is it possible to leave Ukraine at the age of 17?
At what age can I travel abroad without parents?
Why can an underage boy not be allowed to travel abroad?

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