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27 Jun. 2024


Reserve+: wanted, clarified, deregistered, reservation. What do the statuses mean when updating data?

Reserve+: wanted, clarified, deregistered, reservation. What do the statuses mean when updating data?

The official app from the Ministry of Defense, Reserve+, became available on May 18. This service allows you to update your military registration data without a personal visit to the TCR and ASC. Find out what the statuses mean, how to check the status if you have a reservation, and what to do if you are "wanted" after updating your data

Legal assistance for Ukrainians in Ukraine and abroad
Legal assistance for Ukrainians in Ukraine and abroad

Ukrainians liable for military service can update their military registration data through the official application of the Ministry of Defense Reserve+. You can download it from the App Store or Google Play. Updating data in this way is equivalent to updating data through the TCS and ASCs.

After a person downloads the application and updates their data, they can see the relevant status and information about themselves contained in the Oberih register. What these statuses mean and what to do if you are marked as "wanted" is described below.

Read more about how to update your military registration data while abroad in this article.

Please note! Active military personnel, non-military women, as well as other persons who are not liable for military service, conscripts and reservists, don`t need to download the application and update their data. Such actions only create an additional load on the system, which can cause malfunctions in the application.

What do the statuses in the Reserve+ app mean?

The data displayed in the application was transferred to the system by the employees of the TCS manually from paper cards. Therefore, Ukrainians are warned that this information may contain inaccuracies. However, there is no need to worry, as the update of military registration data should fix this problem.

So, what do the statuses mean after the data update?

Registered — this status means that the person liable for military service is registered and the TSC does not need any additional information about him or her.

Being clarified — this status means that the person liable for military service is not registered with the TCS. If the person has a military ID or certificate, this is a mistake on the part of the TCS. However, if there is no such document, the person must register and update their data. In case of failure to do so, the person may be fined for violating the rules of military registration.

Wanted — the status may be false, but if there is no mistake, the person liable for military service may be detained during the first check of documents and taken to the TCS.

Deregistered — a person liable for military service who is registered with a special service (police, SES, etc.).

Excluded from the register — active military and unfit persons.

Reservation — if the person has received a reservation.

If a person has a deferral, the application will display the status "registered" with a corresponding mark.

It is worth noting that the reservation status for persons liable for military service began to be displayed only on June 26, 2024. According to Deputy Minister of Defense for Digitalization Kateryna Chernogorenko, 340 thousand citizens have the current status. 

If you have a reservation, but the corresponding status does not appear in the application: click the three dots at the top of the document and select "update document". After that, the person will be able to see their current status.

Please note! A military registration document with a QR code can now be obtained at the ASC. Read how to do it here.

This article explains how to make an appointment at the TCS through the electronic queue and what documents are required during the visit.

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What should I do if the Reserve+ app shows a wanted status?

According to Kateryna Chernogorenko, Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine for Digital Development, Digital Transformation and Digitalization, who spoke at the telethon, Ukrainians who learned about the "wanted" status when updating their data through the Reserve+ app can contact the technical support service to correct the data. If the relevant status was indicated by mistake, the technical support will correct the inaccuracies and the person will not need to personally contact the TCS to clarify the data.

In addition, Chernogorenko emphasized that the main task and functionality of Reserve+ is to provide citizens with access to the data entered by TCSs. Therefore, when a person sees an incorrect status displayed in the system due to a human factor (an error by the operator who entered the data), he or she can quickly correct the inaccuracies.

Algorithm of actions for Ukrainians who received the wanted status in the Reserve+ application, but live abroad

As of the beginning of June, 18,000 Ukrainians abroad updated their data in the "Rezerv+" application. Conscripts who violated the rules of military registration, for example, deregistered in one place, but did not register in another, or went abroad before the age of 18 and are now of legal age, received the status of "wanted" in the application. In order to get rid of him, according to the spokesman of the Ministry of Defense Dmytro Lazutkin, such men need to re-update their data in the Ukrainian TSC.

Also, taking into account that the Cabinet of Ministers adopted Resolution No. 563, according to which the norm that moving abroad is a reason for removal from military registration was canceled, Ukrainian men are obliged within 30 days, after the law came into force (from May 16, 2024 year) to return and register with the TSC.

Importantly! Deregistration applied to cases when a person changed their permanent place of residence when going abroad. At the same time, this procedure was not mandatory. If the citizen left and did not remove himself from the register, then there is no responsibility.

Liability for violations – for violations of the rules of military accounting (failure to appear at the TSC, untimely updating of data, etc.) you will have to pay a fine in the amount of 17,000 to 25,500 hryvnias. The document has already been signed by the president, the innovations came into effect on May 19.

What will happen if you enter fake data in the Reserve+ application?

Adding a fake residential address to the "Reserve+" application can have negative consequences for a conscript.

In accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers, a postal message with a note indicating the absence of a person at the address specified by the conscript when updating the data in "Reserve+" can be considered a confirming document so that the TSC does not draw up a protocol, but immediately issues a resolution on imposing a fine . In the event of failure to pay, men who have provided fake residential addresses may find themselves with blocked accounts.

Why so? In accordance with Law No. 3696-IX on absentee fines, which came into effect on May 19, a protocol is not drawn up in the case of administrative offenses provided for in Articles 210 and 210-1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. That is, if the conscript did not appear without valid reasons at the summons of the TSC, having been duly notified of the date, time and place of the summons, and if the TSC has documents confirming that the person received the summons.

Taking into account that a postal message, where a note is placed about the absence of a person at the address of the declared or registered place of residence, if this person has not notified the TSC of another address of the place of residence, can also be considered a confirming document in order not to draw up a protocol, but to immediately issue a decision on imposition fine

That is, if a conscript has indicated an incorrect postal address, he was sent a summons, the postal service made all the necessary notes, it is considered that the person was notified of the obligation to appear at the TSC. In case of violation of the rules, a fine of up to UAH 25,500 is imposed on the conscript. In case of voluntary non-payment of such a fine, the person risks that his accounts may be blocked, and the property may be seized in the order of executive proceedings.

Referral to the MMC through Reserve+: details

According to Kateryna Chernogorenko, in a little while, conscripts will be able to receive referrals for military medical examination through the Reserve+ app. 

"The plan for the nearest updates includes the possibility to get a referral to the MMC through the app without visiting the territorial center of recruitment and social support," she said.

At the same time, by the end of June or beginning of July, most of the processes related to the TCS and the MEC will be digitalized for the convenience of users.

We remind you! Amid changes to the mobilization rules, Ukraine has decided to significantly increase fines for violations of the same rules. Read our previous article to find out what exactly will be penalized and who may be affected.

Photo: Ministry of Defense

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Ihor Usyk is the Head of Legal Department at Visit Ukraine

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asked questions
What does reserve+ provide?
The application allows conscripts, persons liable for military service and reservists to update their credentials and receive an electronic military registration document.
What is the difference between reserve+ and Oberig?
What happens if you do not pay the fine for not updating your data?
How many men have updated their data?

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