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Travel The world’s most stressful airports to travel through this Easter

The world’s most stressful airports to travel through this Easter

Passenger traffic has increased significantly in Europe on the eve of Easter. Find out more about the world's most stressful airports that may cause the most difficulties when traveling during the holidays in 2024

29 Mar. 2024

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War Mariupol: Itinerary of remembrance

Mariupol: Itinerary of remembrance

Mariupol is a city turned into ruins by the russian invaders, and its residents are witnesses to a real genocide of the Ukrainian people. In memory of those who died and for the benefit of the survivors, a charitable project was initiated in the form of a guidebook - a route of memory. Find out more about the initiative and how to support IDPs from Mariupol

29 Mar. 2024

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For foreigners in UA How can a foreigner in Ukraine obtain a police clearance certificate?

How can a foreigner in Ukraine obtain a police clearance certificate?

A certificate confirming the absence of a criminal record is a document issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and confirming that a non-resident of the country has not been brought to criminal liability. Find out where to apply and what you need to get a certificate

29 Mar. 2024

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War Security measures to be strengthened in Kyiv due to shelling and threat of SRGs: details

Security measures to be strengthened in Kyiv due to shelling and threat of SRGs: details

Against the backdrop of an increase in the number of rocket attacks from russia and the risk of sabotage groups, the Kyiv Security Council has made a number of decisions regarding the security of the capital. Find out what will change for citizens and what restrictions will come into effect

29 Mar. 2024

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Popular People are travelling for holidays: what is happening on the Ukrainian border on the eve of Easter

People are travelling for holidays: what is happening on the Ukrainian border on the eve of Easter

Ukrainians living in the EU countries have started returning to their homeland ahead of the long weekend in Europe. As a result, there is an increase in passenger traffic at the border. Find out where there is increased traffic and how to avoid long queues

28 Mar. 2024

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Travel The nearest airports to Ukraine: how is it more convenient to return home or go abroad (updated)

The nearest airports to Ukraine: how is it more convenient to return home or go abroad (updated)

Accessing international airports via neighbouring countries remains a viable option for Ukrainians seeking to travel or fly abroad in the current situation. Find out which airports are convenient for Ukrainians in transit and how to get there

28 Mar. 2024

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Documents Passport service for Ukrainians opened in Munich: where to apply for documents

Passport service for Ukrainians opened in Munich: where to apply for documents

A new passport service of SE Document has been opened in Munich, Germany, which has become a convenient solution for issuing passports and other documents for Ukrainians living or staying in the city. Find out more about the address where you can now apply for the necessary documents

28 Mar. 2024

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Popular Fortnite recreates Independence Square: players' time turns into donations for reconstruction

Fortnite recreates Independence Square: players' time turns into donations for reconstruction

Fortnite, one of the most popular online games in the world, has recreated Independence Square by creating a special map called The Donation Map. This initiative opens a unique opportunity for players around the world to join charity. Find out what the main idea is and what the funds raised will be used for

28 Mar. 2024

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