Odessa courtyard individual tour
About this tour
Meet numerous and diverse courtyards of Odessa! Live experience of genuine spirit, smell, speech and real citizens! Try walking in Pushkin’s and Bunin’s shoes along the streets where Babel and Zhabotinskiy used to live. Tell apart a courtyard with a well and a well courtyard! Get into luxurious aristocratic courtyards through the ones built for the poorest Odessa citizens …
Each of them tells is a separate story and a highlights local identity. Our picturesque guides will show you everything you must see or even more!
This tour will show you another side of Odessa, and we are sure that you`ll love it!
The tour is conducted in English and Ukrainian.
*The originality of the text is completely preserved by the author of the tour (tour operator)
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5 reasons to choose tour
Fall in love with Odessa
Hear interesting stories
Feel the flavor of the city
Walk around the Odessa courtyards
Have a fun and positive time
Key landmarks
Odessa courtyards
Odessa courtyards are considered to be one of the main sights of the city.
What is included?
Professional guide
*From each purchased tour, we transfer 10% to the Ukrainian Refugee Support Fund. All profits from press tours are transferred to the reconstruction of Ukraine.