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30 Jun. 2024


MTPL vs Green Card: main features and differences

MTPL vs Green Card: main features and differences

All motorists are well aware of the axiom that car insurance is mandatory and necessary. However, the insurance market is sometimes difficult to navigate even for experienced drivers, let alone beginners. Find out more about the difference between MTPL and Green Card

Take out a car insurance policy at Visit Ukraine and get fuel as a gift
Take out a car insurance policy at Visit Ukraine and get fuel as a gift

Insurance is a mandatory element of driving a car. But how do you know what type of car insurance you need? It all depends on the specific situation and type of trip. Let's take a closer look at when you need insurance and where you can buy each type.

What is a Green Card?

Green Card is an international policy of civil liability for drivers. The document is mandatory when traveling abroad for all vehicles registered in Ukraine. The Green Card has a number of advantages, including protecting drivers from unforeseen expenses during a trip, which is why it is primarily the car owner who is interested in insurance.

The principle of operation of the Green Card is similar to the CTP, only abroad. The policy does not insure the owner's property, but his or her liability. In other words, in the event of an accident, the Green Card insurance policy will cover the damage caused by the culprit to other participants in the accident - the cost of treatment or repair of the victim's car. 

The policy is valid on the territory of the member countries of the Green Card system, 46 participants in total: 

Albania, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark (except for Athos), Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece (except for Greenland and the Faroe Islands), Ireland, Israel, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, the Netherlands (except for Aruba, the Caribbean Netherlands, Curacao, St. Maarten), Germany (except Büsingen am Hochrein), Norway (except Spitsbergen and Bear Island), North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Hungary, Finland, France (except Overseas Region), Croatia, Czech Republic, Montenegro, Switzerland, Sweden, Switzerland, Morocco, Tunisia, and Iran.

In the previous article, we wrote about how to check the validity of an insurance policy and its validity period through the MTIBU Centralized Database.

Liability in the absence of a Green Card 

The Green Card is a mandatory document without which it is impossible to pass border control. 

In 2022, at the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, Ukrainian drivers could cross the borders of Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Moldova in their own cars without Green Card policies, but as of 2024, such conditions no longer apply.

If you are planning to travel without insurance, here are the risks that await you:

- fines for not having a policy from 1000 euros 

- deportation; 

- prohibition to enter the country; 

- seizure or arrest of the vehicle, etc.

Find out what limits apply in 2024 and what the Green Card covers.

Who is the Green Card issued for?

In fact, the Green Card is issued for a car. The documents indicate the data of the vehicle owner or any other insured. However, the policy applies to any driver who will be driving the car legally. 

Find out more about how often Ukrainian drivers get into traffic jams abroad and how much money they managed to save thanks to Green Card insurance.

To apply for a Green Card policy, you must provide: the applicant's passport and identification code, vehicle registration certificate and driver's license. The policy must be valid for the entire period of stay abroad, as an accident can occur at any time. 

You can apply for a Green Card quickly and easily on the Visit Ukraine portal. Follow the link and apply for an insurance policy for the required period in just a couple of minutes. The finished insurance will be sent to your email immediately.

We currently have a special offer for purchasing Green Card insurance:

1. Buy a Green Card policy and get a free 30-minute legal consultation from our professional lawyer;

2. You can take advantage of the promotion during the validity of the Green Card policy;

3. The consultation lasts 30 minutes. The consultation can be oral or written. 

How to buy a green card?

1. You can buy a green card on our website by yourself by following the link and filling in the necessary data.

2. Call our hotline at +380939724145 or write to us in a convenient messenger: Telegram or WhatsApp.