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11 Mar. 2023


Return car registration in Ukraine: who to contact

Return car registration in Ukraine: who to contact

Many Ukrainians were forced to go abroad and lost their car registration in Ukraine. In addition, the war did not affect the rules for registering new vehicles. Find out more about the terms of car registration, how to return the registration and the cost of services

Issuing a policy Green card for traveling abroad by car
Issuing a policy Green card for traveling abroad by car

The martial law has not stopped the provision of administrative services for drivers. You can register a car, get or exchange a driver's license, or take a driving test at the territorial service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or in the Diia app. Here's how to re-register a car in 2023.

Deadlines for vehicle registration

Previously, the owner was given 10 days after the purchase or customs clearance of the car to register it. Now, when martial law is in effect, this period has been extended. It should be added that there is now a simplified registration procedure, so the driver needs to submit an application for temporary state registration. After martial law is lifted, the driver must register the car within 90 days.

Car registration in the Diia app

At the end of last year, the Ministry of Digital Transformation announced a new feature of the Diia app: it is now possible to renew car registration online. 

This solution allows Ukrainians to choose whether to visit a service center in person or not.

Who can register online?

Only individuals can register a vehicle with Diia.  Keep in mind another feature: you cannot re-register a car that is subject to tax on its sale in the app. Accordingly, only the following categories of vehicles are allowed to be registered:




It should be added that you cannot use the application for registration if:

- The vehicle or its owner is wanted;

- the state demographic register does not contain data on the registered place of residence of the owner;

- false information provided when entering data for re-registration is detected.

Documents for re-registration of a car

Make sure you have the necessary documents in advance. The driver must provide a passport, a copy of the registration number of the taxpayer's account card, a registration certificate, a document confirming that the vehicle design meets safety requirements, and payment receipts. The full list of documents can be found here.

The cost of the service

Re-registration of a vehicle is not free. The cost of the administrative service is UAH 200, and the registration certificate form is UAH 312.

Can I be refused re-registration of a car?

The regulations provide several reasons why a car may not be registered. Read the main reasons carefully:

 The documents contain different identification numbers of the component parts than in reality;

 the owner of the vehicle is in the register of debtors, there is information about his arrest, search or ban on re-registration of the car;

 certain documents are missing or contain false information;

 the engine number is found to have signs of intentional destruction or forgery;

 it was found that the vehicle has no license plates or they are damaged.

If you are denied re-registration, you can appeal the decision. Contact the district administrative court.

We remind you! Car insurance is a mandatory element for entering many countries of the world by your own car. In particular, a Green Card policy is required to travel from Ukraine to European countries. Read more about which countries require such a policy, the liability for its absence, and where it is convenient to apply for a Green Card online here.

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Cooperation – cooperation and advertising integrations with the Visit Ukraine and Visit World projects.

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