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02 Aug. 2023


Cancellation of benefits, loans and exemption from mobilization: what will change for Ukrainians from August 1

Cancellation of benefits, loans and exemption from mobilization: what will change for Ukrainians from August 1

August 2023 will bring significant changes to Ukrainians in various spheres of life. Find out who will be deprived of tax benefits, how the rules for receiving assistance to IDPs and housing loans have changed, and what changes will take place regarding mobilization

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Starting from August 1, 2023, various changes will take place in the lives of Ukrainians, including in the financial sector. Tax exemptions for entrepreneurs will be canceled, and new rules for receiving assistance to IDPs and soft loans for housing will be introduced.

There will also be changes in mobilization during martial law and innovations for motorists.

We will tell you what Ukrainians should expect from the beginning of August in the article.

Cancellation of benefits for individual entrepreneurs

Starting from August 1, the 2% single tax for individual entrepreneurs will be abolished. The bill was adopted at the request of the International Monetary Fund.

Entrepreneurs will no longer be able to pay the unified tax, which was introduced to stimulate trade during the war, but will be able to choose another taxation system or automatically remain at the "pre-war" rate of 5%.

Tax audits

The moratorium on scheduled tax audits will be partially lifted from the beginning of August.

The tax authorities will be able to inspect companies operating in the following sectors:

- production/sale of alcohol and tobacco;

- organization and conduct of gambling;

- financial and payment services.

Unscheduled tax audits are allowed only under certain circumstances, for example, if there is information about an offense.

Penalties for failure to use cash registers

The proposed law, which abolishes tax exemptions and scheduled inspections, also reinstates fines for entrepreneurs who do not use payment transaction registers (PTRs).

Starting from October 1, 2023: for the first violation, 25% of the value of transactions made without a cash register must be paid; for the second violation, 50%.

Pension indexation

In July, Ukraine indexed pension payments to pensioners on vacation by 19.7%. However, pensioners will receive this increase only in August.

Also, only those pensioners who are 70, 75 and 80 years old will receive the "age-related supplement". The payments will increase by UAH 300, 456 and 570, respectively.

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Exemption from mobilization

In May, the list of diseases for which one cannot be called up for military service will be expanded to include AIDS, hepatitis, tuberculosis and other serious diseases.

Those who have recently undergone surgery, have significant bone deformities, are serving a sentence or have already served it will be exempt from mobilization.

Persons liable for military service will continue to receive three types of calls: to clarify their information, a call from a military medical commission for a medical examination, and a mobilization order for those who are found fit for military service.

Conscripts to receive higher pay

Starting from August 1, conscripts will receive additional monthly compensation and will be able to voluntarily transfer to the category of mobilized servicemen.

The law stipulates that they can become mobilized soldiers if they have served for at least six months during the war, if their service term ended during martial law, or if their service term was extended beyond the established period.

New rules for receiving assistance for IDPs

Since the beginning of August, the government has suspended social assistance to certain categories of internally displaced persons.

Assistance is suspended for those who have been abroad for more than 30 days, have returned to their place of residence, are serving a sentence in prison, and those who have purchased real estate, foreign currency or have a deposit of UAH 100,000.

The amount of social assistance for other IDPs has not changed: children and people with disabilities receive UAH 3,000, while others receive UAH 2,000.

The eHouse program is expanding

Starting from August 1, the categories of Ukrainians eligible for preferential loans for the purchase of housing under the eHouse program will be expanded.

Previously, only military personnel, healthcare professionals, teachers and scientists could apply for the program.

From now on, other categories of citizens can also buy an apartment with a loan rate of 7%:

- war veterans and their families, combatants, families of deceased veterans and military personnel

- persons with disabilities, internally displaced persons;

- other citizens of Ukraine who do not have their own housing or whose housing does not exceed 52.5 square meters per family.

End of the 2023 admission campaign

In the summer, applicants had to apply to higher education institutions. By August 5, universities had to form and publish a ranking list of applicants for bachelor's degrees and a form of recommendations for admission.

By 18:00 on August 8, those enrolled had to fulfill all the requirements for admission. It should be noted that students could be enrolled in state-funded places until August 10, and in contract education until August 30.

Changes for motorists

On August 1, Ukrainian military personnel were allowed to drive right-hand drive cars. This rule is in effect during martial law and for 90 days after it ends.

Starting August 3, Sumy, Rivne, Zhytomyr, and Kirovohrad regions will join the project with transparent exams, with cameras in classrooms and improved visibility during practical exams in vehicles.

Fuel prices will also rise: the price of gasoline will increase by 5 UAH/liter and diesel fuel by 1-2 UAH/liter.

Utilities remain unchanged

Gas and water prices remained unchanged. The NERC was forced to cancel its decision to increase prices after the government criticized the proposal.

The NEURC also stated that the economically justified price per kilowatt of electricity should be UAH 5.5. However, the tariff of UAH 2.64 will remain unchanged until the end of 2023.

However, some prices will still increase. The deputy head of the All-Ukrainian Agrarian Council said that food prices may increase by 5-7% in August, as rising fuel prices affect the logistics of goods.

Changes in payments at terminals

From now on, cash payments through payment terminals are only possible after entering the payer's mobile phone number. This does not apply to utility transfers, phone top-ups, travel tickets, and fines.

The requirement was introduced by the National Bank of Ukraine to prevent the shadowing of salaries paid to employees through terminals.

Independence Day payments

On the occasion of Independence Day, the government will pay a one-time reward in the amount of UAH 450 to 3100 to veterans and citizens with merits before the Motherland.

Payments can be received by:

- persons with war-related disabilities;

- participants and victims of hostilities and the Revolution of Dignity;

- family members of those killed in action.

Photo: Andrey Popov/Deposit photos

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