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05 Apr. 2022


Employment in Poland: useful information

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Employment in Poland: useful information

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Citizens of Ukraine who arrived in Poland from February 24, regardless of the availability of documents, will be able to legally find employment in Poland. You do not need to obtain a work permit for a foreigner. All formalities related to your legal employment are borne by the employer.

Who can work legally in Poland?

You can work in Poland if:

• you are a citizen of Ukraine and due to the threat of war you have legally entered the territory of Poland since February 24, 2022 and are legally there,

• you are a citizen of Ukraine who resides in Poland legally - on the basis of a visa, residence permit, single permit.

Important! If one of the conditions is met, it is not necessary to obtain a work permit for a foreigner or enter an application for a work assignment for a foreigner in the register.

On March 12, Polish President Andrzej Duda signed a special law to help people evacuated from Ukraine. The law allows Ukrainians to stay legally in the country for 18 months with the possibility of extending the term for another year and a half.

• Internally displaced persons can enjoy public services, have full access to the labor market, free education for children and health care on the same terms as locals. To do this, citizens, including minors, who left here on February 24, must obtain a personal number - PESEL.

It is important to understand that Ukrainians in Poland do not need to apply for refugee status. It is PESEL that guarantees Ukrainians all the necessary services.

Thus, in order to legalize your stay in Poland and, accordingly, to work there legally, you need the PESEL code. How to get it, read in the article.

All other formalities related to the employment of Ukrainians must be taken care of by the employer. Within 14 days from the date of starting work, he is obliged to notify the county employment center - according to the location of the main office or the place of residence of the employer.


Your employer will provide information about you electronically on the portal www.praca.gov.pl 

In the message the subject entrusting performance of work to a citizen of Ukraine, notes:

• information about the entity entrusting the work to a citizen of Ukraine: name or name (s) and surname, address of residence or place of residence, telephone number or e-mail address of a business nature, NIP and REGON identification number - if the entity conducts business activities, or PESEL number - for individuals, the entry number in the register of entities, which is done by employment agencies, if the entity entrusts work to a citizen of Ukraine who is managed by an employment agency providing temporary employment services, PKD symbol and a description of activities related to the work of citizens of Ukraine;

• personal data of a citizen of Ukraine: name (s) and surname, date of birth, sex, citizenship, type, number and series of travel or other document confirming or allowing to identify the person and country in which this document was issued, PESEL number;

• type of contract between the entity entrusting the work and the citizen of Ukraine;

• position or type of work performed.

Where to look for work?

You can use the data of the Central Jobs Database on your own, without visiting the employment office, using a computer, telephone or other mobile devices with Internet access. 

Search for job offers is also possible with a special mobile application ePraca (Android and iOS). About 70,000 vacancies are available in the database every day.

You can also get free help from the county employment office (340 units) or the voivodeship (regional) employment office (16 units), which includes job search support, primarily through mediation and career counseling.

The list of contacts of the employment office can be found at: https://psz.praca.gov.pl/wybor-urzedu 

Choose an office that is competent for the place of permanent or temporary residence, and in the absence of a residence permit in the area where you are.

At the employment office, the client's consultant, after reviewing your qualifications, will search the Central Database of Job Offers and provide information about job offers that will suit you (employer contact details).

You can contact the nearest employment office by phone or contact them in person. The client counselor will talk to you to determine your situation and needs.

You can also get help at the Green Line Employment Information and Counseling Center.

This is a modern online employment office, open to all, at any time. It is an internet portal and a hotline where you can get all the necessary information about the assistance provided by 16 voivodships, 340 county employment offices and the Voluntary Labor Corps (Hufciec Pracy). The home page offers a job search system, as well as information, tips and videos on how to look for a job.

The green line includes a wide range of communication channels: telephone, e-mail, through social networks and in the form of a chat with a consultant. Helpline: 19524

The Green Line portal is available at: www.zielonalinia.gov.pl 

You can also count on getting information on how to look for a job on your own through publicly available free websites with job offers (eg Pracuj.pl, Jobs.pl, etc.).

Due to the influx of large numbers of Ukrainian citizens to Poland, there may be people or companies who want to take advantage of the predicament and lack of knowledge of the Polish language and laws - for example, by demanding non-existent fees or documents.

Remember that all county labor offices are free.

The list of certified Polish employment agencies is available on the website: www.stor.praca.gov.pl in the Register of Entities Maintaining Employment Agencies tab. Additional information is also available by calling the Voivodeship Labor Office. If you work through an agency, you should remember to sign a contract with an employment agency, which will specify the working conditions, remuneration, benefits, etc.

State Labor Inspectorate - provides free legal advice on the provisions governing the legality of employment and workers' rights. The information is also available in Ukrainian and Russian. More information can be found at https://www.gov.pl/web/pip/nieodplatne-porady-prawne and by phone:

• 2 111 35 88 - recommended telephone number for foreigners working in the voivodeships: Masovian, Łódz Voivodeships, Wielkopolska, Сwiętokrzyskie, Lublin and Lubusz Voivodeships;

• 89 333 17 41 - recommended telephone number for foreigners working in the voivodeships: Warmia-Masuria, Podlasie, Kuyavia-Pomerania, Pomerania and West Pomerania;

• 22 111 35 29 - recommended telephone number for foreigners working in the voivodeships: Podkarpackie, Malopolska, Silesia, Opole and Lower Silesia.


When hiring, the employer is obliged to enter into a written employment contract with you, which will specify the working conditions and remuneration. Persuading a person to work without an employment contract is against the Polish law!

!! Do not agree to work without signing a written contract. Without a signed contract, you work illegally, and you are deprived of legal rights arising from legal employment.

!! Before signing an employment contract, read the provisions contained in it, or ask someone to explain and help you understand its provisions.

!! If your employer treats you inappropriately, for example, if your employer uses physical or mental coercion on you, report it to the National Labor Inspectorate.

If you are a victim of any other crime, contact the police immediately.

There are also special sites for job search:

• Jobs.pl;

• Gowork.pl;

• Gumtree.pl;

• Pracuj.pl;

• The:protocol;

• OLX;

• Jooble;

• Jobs4Ukraine;

• UAtalents;

• Europa.jobs;

• Eures Praca

More useful sites for job search here