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01 Jul. 2022


Ukrainians will be able to obtain a second vocational education for free


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Ukrainians will be able to obtain a second vocational education for free

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In the conditions of martial law in Ukraine, there is still a need for qualified workers. In order to encourage Ukrainians to get an education today, on June 19, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a law that allows obtaining a second vocational technical education at the expense of the state or local budgets.

What does it mean?

The draft law provides several important changes, the purpose of which is to reduce the level of unemployment, to help citizens who lost their jobs due to the war, to retrain for the sake of restoring the country's economy.

Who can get free education and under what conditions?

The head of the Servant of the People party, Olena Shulyak, reported on her Telegram channel that now Ukrainians will be able to obtain a vocational education without simultaneously obtaining a full general secondary education, which can be obtained free of charge at any other time during life.

It is also possible to obtain vocational and technical education in other professions free of charge throughout life under the following conditions:

- not earlier than 3 years after the completion of free professional education in the previously acquired profession;

- provided that there is a confirmed insurance experience of at least 2 years;

- if there are free places after enrolling persons who will receive professional education free of charge for the first time.

If, due to health conditions, a person has lost the opportunity to work in a previously acquired profession, before the end of the 3-year period and/or in the absence of confirmed insurance experience, he has the right to obtain vocational education in another profession free of charge. The same conditions apply in the event of a request to urgently meet the needs of the state in the training of the necessary qualified workers under the terms of a state contract.

The law also abolishes the mandatory need to register a person's place of residence in the territory of the relevant territorial community for enrollment in an educational institution.


An important innovation was the ban on the liquidation or reorganization of vocational education institutions that were transferred from state to communal ownership within 10 years without the approval of the Ministry of Education and Science.

You can read the full text of the Draft Law on Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Vocational (Vocational and Technical) Education" regarding certain aspects of training skilled workers in the conditions of martial law and economic recovery by following the link.