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Nostrification of a diploma in Poland: how to confirm qualifications?

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Nostrification of a diploma in Poland: how to confirm qualifications?

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In order to continue studying or work in Poland, Ukrainians often need to go through the procedure of nostrification or confirmation of a Ukrainian educational diploma. The list of professions for which the procedure of educational document recognition is required is available at the link.

Who does not need nostrification?

Currently, there are only two cases where proof of diploma is not required:

• the bachelor's degree was obtained in Ukraine, and you plan to finish the master's degree in Poland;

• the applicant will enroll in postgraduate studies in Poland according to the targeted direction.

In all other cases, Ukrainian educational certificates are subject to the nostrification procedure.

How does the document recognition procedure work?

Nostrification is the process of state recognition of educational documents (certificates and diplomas) obtained in other countries.

In order to recognize a diploma in Poland at the first stage, it is necessary to apply to the Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego and provide documents, according to the list:

• application with a request to recognize the diploma;

• the original and a copy of the diploma, as well as its annexes;

• a translation of the diploma and supplements, which was certified by the consulate or a sworn translator.

It is advisable to send the documents by mail, registered letter to the address:

Departament Wspórparcy Międzynarodowej Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego

street Wspólna 1/3

00-529 Warsaw

It can also be done using the ePUAP service.

The commission of the ministry considers the documents for three weeks. If the check is passed, the applicant will receive a certificate. The service is free.

Nostrification through universities

Higher educational institutions in Poland carry out the nostrification procedure for diplomas. You can choose a university independently from the list. It is necessary to look for such an institution, the faculty of which is as similar as possible to the specialty obtained in Ukraine.

Documents are submitted to the university according to the list:

• application for nostrification;

• certificate from the Ministry of Science of Poland on the need to confirm the diploma;

• diploma and supplements (original, copies, translation);

• a certificate by which the applicant entered a university in Ukraine (original and certified translation);

• autobiography in Polish;

• a statement that the diploma has not yet been nostrified in Poland.

The commission considers the application within 90 days. In case of a positive answer, the applicant will receive a certificate, which is equivalent to a diploma. Sometimes the committee offers to take additional courses or internships. If after consideration you receive a refusal, you can appeal to the rector.

The cost of university services varies from PLN 2,000 to PLN 6,000. However, in some cases it is possible to receive compensation for the spent funds.

Reimbursement of expenses for the diploma confirmation procedure

The cash payment is given to Ukrainians who are registered in Polish employment centers (urzad pracy) and have the following status: unemployed or a person looking for work in Poland.

In order to rceive the support, it is necessary to submit an application to the regional labor office at the place of residence.

The sample application is available in Polish, Ukrainian and English. The application can be submitted in paper or electronic form - for this you need to have a trusted profile (Profil Zaufany).

After submission of the application and its approval, the employment center concludes an agreement with the applicant on the financing of the fee. Funds will also be paid to the center. The maximum amount is up to PLN 3,205.

In case of violation of the procedure for obtaining compensation, the applicant may be required to return the payment.

It is worth noting that the procedure for nostrification of diplomas of doctors, lawyers, etc. differs from other professions. Therefore, we advise you to learn the information on specific professions additionally.