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10 Apr. 2024


Health care in Europe: why medical insurance is necessary in any case

For refugees
Health care in Europe: why medical insurance is necessary in any case

Medicine in Europe is notoriously not a cheap service at all. That's why insurance is so popular in the EU, giving citizens access to medical care when they need it. Find out what the benefits of health insurance are and why it is the easiest way to protect your health

An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside Ukraine
An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside Ukraine

Health insurance can make your stay in another country much easier. Insurance is not always required when crossing the border, so some people may neglect the need for it. But the absence of a health insurance policy for travelling abroad can have unpleasant consequences.

What is insurance and how does it work?

Health insurance is a service that guarantees the insured person medical care and coverage of related expenses in case of need.

The essence of insurance is that the person who buys the policy, in case of an insured event (injury, illness, etc.) is entitled to medical care within the budget and list of services for which the insurance was issued. In fact, the budget and the list of services depend on the specific insurance company, the price of the policy, as well as the age and state of health of the person. As a rule, health insurance guarantees inpatient (hospital treatment), outpatient (doctor's house call), emergency (ambulance) care and payment for medicines. The insurance may cover the cost of treatment in full or in part. If the insured person falls ill, he/she should call his/her insurance company, which will refer the client to the right clinic.

If it happens that the insured person is admitted to the hospital in an emergency, the insurance company must be informed after the fact. If you had to pay some bills yourself, keep the receipts and documents confirming the treatment. You will also need to provide them to the insurance company.

Why do I need insurance abroad?

The price of a standard insurance policy, for example, from the partners of Visit Ukraine is from 2.5 euros per day. The average market price is about 3 euros/day. But the cost of medical services when you need to see a doctor is many times more expensive. In most countries of the world non-residents receive medical care on a paid basis. For example, in Norway a visit to a family doctor for uninsured persons will cost from 20 euros, a visit to a specialist in the Czech Republic - from 30 euros. A day of hospitalisation in Germany costs about 125 euros. And calling an ambulance in Switzerland in the absence of an insurance policy can cost 800 euros.

Consequently, even minor health problems in the absence of insurance can be expensive. In many countries medicines are sold in pharmacies only with a prescription, and to get a prescription you also need to see a doctor.

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What are the advantages of health insurance for Ukrainians in the current situation?

Many Ukrainians who went abroad because of the war, issued temporary protection in Europe and, accordingly, got access to free medicine. However, in reality, free medicine in Europe differs from Ukrainian medicine, and the level of service is often lower than Ukrainians are used to receiving at home.

Here is a short list of problems with state medicine, which help to solve the insurance policy:

- The first and most unpleasant surprise awaiting patients without insurance in Europe. If you are uninsured and decided to use state medicine in a European hospital - be prepared that you can get to the doctor in a few weeks, or even months. For the majority of Ukrainians abroad - mums with children - waiting for their turn in a state hospital is simply impossible.

- In Europe, as well as in Ukraine, state medicine provides for a face-to-face format of consultations. If you need an emergency or a small consultation, and there is no time to wait in queues, you will have to pay for a remote doctor's appointment. We have already written above about the average price tag for an appointment with a European doctor. For the price of one appointment in Europe, you can buy a whole insurance policy for a month from Visit Ukraine partners.

- Comprehensive insurance policies, including insurance of Visit Ukraine partners, cover insured events on the territories of many foreign countries. The specific list of countries depends on the chosen insurance package.

It takes minutes to issue an insurance policy and guarantees medical services that we easily get at home. To be safe from trouble abroad and be calm for yourself and your loved ones, we advise you to buy medical insurance in advance. The fact that in Europe and other countries, insurance policies have almost all citizens, shows that insurance is no longer a luxury, but an affordable necessity for everyone.

Earlier we wrote, Green Card - always the right decision for travelling abroad. This document is an integral part in case of an unforeseen situation on the road. What Green Card is needed for and what consequences await if you do not have it, we tell you here.

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

Our recommendation for a safe and comfortable trip: 

Visit Ukraine Insurance - insurance for a safe stay abroad without unnecessary expenses;

Green Card - compulsory car insurance for traveling abroad;

Visit Ukraine Tickets - book tickets for buses, trains, and airplanes to/from Ukraine and between cities around the world;

Private Lawyer service - professional legal support on visa and migration issues;

Visit Ukraine Merch - buy patriotic clothing and accessories with worldwide delivery.

© 2018-2024, Visit Ukraine. Use, copying or reprinting of materials on this site is permitted only with a link (hyperlink for online publications) to Visit Ukraine.

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