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17 Sep. 2022


Psychological help for Ukrainians: 10 free resources


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Psychological help for Ukrainians: 10 free resources

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Prolonged hostilities in Ukraine, daily air strikes and constant monitoring of the news have increased the level of stress and anxiety in each of us. There are free resources and initiatives you can use to support your mental health.

UA Mental Help. The charity organization UA ​​Mental Health provides 12 free consultations of volunteer psychologists. Those who experience symptoms of depression, despair, apathy or other anxiety states can turn to the fund. You can apply via the link.

RESILIENCE HUB. This is a support platform from the charity fund "Brainkult" and the NGO "Society Foundation". You can find psychological advice or sign up for a video consultation with a specialist. You can register here.

SYLNI. This charitable foundation provides psychological assistance to victims of sexual violence during the war. Clinical psychologists, psychotherapists and psychiatrists work for the foundation, who conduct treatment sessions free of charge. The fund also helps organize legal consultations and pay for medical services. You can apply by following this link.

TELL ME. On this Internet platform, you can get free consultations lasting 30-60 minutes. People who experience anxiety, apathy, panic attacks or other manifestations of depression can seek help. In the application, you need to describe your problems so that the platform employees can select the appropriate specialist. You can apply here.

PORUCH. A joint initiative of the Ministry of Education and Culture, UNICEF, the Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and the NGO "VHC Volonter". The goal of the project is to provide psychological counseling for teenagers and their parents, as well as teachers. Consultations are held in group form on the "Zoom" platform.

The following can apply:




TEPLO. Teplo is an application for finding a psychologist online. People affected by the war, in particular displaced persons who have lost their homes, can receive assistance free of charge. All specialists who work with the application are professionals with up to 15 years of work experience. Download the application from the link.

HER SUPPORT. Wonderzine Ukraine has developed a platform to help women and representatives of the LGBT community. You can get three sessions with a psychologist. For this, you need to submit an application in the chatbot.

OPEN DOORS. In this center it is also possible to get free psychological consultations. Specialists of the center focus on injuries received during military conflicts. In order to register for a consultation, you should fill out the form at the link. The specialist will give feedback on his own.

TELEHELP Ukraine. This is an initiative organized by Stanford University students to support Ukrainians in Ukraine and Poland. Specialists work with both adults and children. You can find out the details and apply here.

GOTOHELP. Only those Ukrainians who need psychological help as a result of military operations in Ukraine can use the help of volunteer psychologists here. You can communicate with a psychologist via Telegram, WhatsApp or video chat. You can sign up for a consultation using the link.

SafeWomenHUB. The platform was created to provide free emergency psychological, socio-legal and humanitarian assistance to women and girls affected by war, and to raise their awareness about the prevention of various forms of violence, including sexual violence. More information and an appointment with a specialist is available at the link.

Take care of yourself and take care of your mental health!