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Transport Fines for drivers in Romania: a reminder for those planning a trip abroad by car

Fines for drivers in Romania: a reminder for those planning a trip abroad by car

When planning a road trip to or through Romania, it is important to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of traffic rules in the country to avoid road accidents and fines. Here are the main traffic rules in Romania and the fines for violating them

27 Apr. 2024

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Education European education in Ukraine: which universities offer double degree programmes

European education in Ukraine: which universities offer double degree programmes

Ukrainian universities actively develop international cooperation and offer students many double degree programmes. Such programmes allow you to gain valuable knowledge and experience. Find out which universities offer the opportunity to get a European education

27 Apr. 2024

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For refugees Some Ukrainian men will be able to pick up their passports at the State Enterprise Document abroad: details

Some Ukrainian men will be able to pick up their passports at the State Enterprise Document abroad: details

Against the background of problems with issuing documents to Ukrainians abroad, the state enterprise Document has explained how the service will be provided in the future. Find out who will be able to issue passports, and to whom this service will remain unavailable

26 Apr. 2024

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Work Wages have grown in Ukraine: which industries pay the most

Wages have grown in Ukraine: which industries pay the most

Compared to the previous year, Ukraine has recorded a significant increase in the average monthly salary, which stimulates the development of various sectors of the economy. Find out more about the reasons for this growth and which industries have the highest and lowest salaries

26 Apr. 2024

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Popular Romania: rules of entry and residence in 2024. What does a Ukrainian need to know?

Romania: rules of entry and residence in 2024. What does a Ukrainian need to know?

Romania has hosted thousands of Ukrainian citizens since the beginning of the war, and the country's doors are still open to refugees from Ukraine. However, two years later, the rules for Ukrainians in Romania have changed slightly. Find out all the latest information on how to apply for temporary protection and enjoy other benefits

26 Apr. 2024

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Finance Ukrainians working abroad will have the right to a pension: details

Ukrainians working abroad will have the right to a pension: details

Ukrainians working abroad will also be entitled to a pension in Ukraine. This applies to those who went to work abroad after reaching the appropriate age for receiving a pension under law. Find out more about the changes approved and who will be able to receive pension payments

26 Apr. 2024

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For foreigners in UA Why do foreigners invest in Ukraine and what sums are involved?

Why do foreigners invest in Ukraine and what sums are involved?

The Ukrainian investment market continues to attract the attention of foreign businessmen. In particular, last year the volume of foreign investment in Ukraine exceeded the figures for certain periods before the conflict. Find out more about the reasons for the interest of foreigners in investing in Ukraine and the amount of money involved

26 Apr. 2024

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Work Most businesses are experiencing a shortage of staff in Ukraine: what are the reasons?

Most businesses are experiencing a shortage of staff in Ukraine: what are the reasons?

The Ukrainian labor market is experiencing a very serious shortage of personnel, and entrepreneurs are facing other problems in addition to the obvious lack of staff. Find out what types of workers are currently in critical shortage and what are the reasons for these trends

26 Apr. 2024

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