3 min

Popular Almost 100% of Ukrainians consider putin a modern-day Hitler: poll results

Almost 100% of Ukrainians consider putin a modern-day Hitler: poll results

Every day, the world witnesses putin's terrible war crimes against Ukraine. Thus, in a poll, Ukrainians almost unanimously agreed that putin is a modern-day Hitler. Find out more about the course and results of the poll

09 May. 2023

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2 min

War Why hasn't Ukraine launched a counter-offensive yet?

Why hasn't Ukraine launched a counter-offensive yet?

The whole world is waiting with bated breath for a counter-offensive by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Find out more about why the Ukrainian Armed Forces have not yet launched an operation to de-occupy our territories and what to expect from the offensive

09 May. 2023

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2 min

Way to Victory Ukraine celebrates Europe Day for the first time on 9 May: the history of the holiday and its importance

Ukraine celebrates Europe Day for the first time on 9 May: the history of the holiday and its importance

Ukraine has become the center of Europe not only geographically, but also united the EU member states around common values: freedom, democracy and dignity. Learn more about the history of Europe Day and why it is important for Ukraine

09 May. 2023

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1 min

Documents Ukrainian electronic signatures and seals are now recognized in EU countries: details

Ukrainian electronic signatures and seals are now recognized in EU countries: details

Ukraine became the first non-EU country to be included in the European Union's trusted list. As a result, Ukrainian electronic signatures and seals on digital documents can be verified and confirmed in EU countries. Here's how it works

08 May. 2023

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1 min

Popular Electronic queue for military clinical examination: in which cities you can join the queue online

Electronic queue for military clinical examination: in which cities you can join the queue online

Ukraine has supported a draft law on the work of the military clinical examination, and now you can join the queue for the MCE online. Find out more about the changes and how to use the online registration function

08 May. 2023

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3 min

Way to Victory How does Ukrainian business survive the war?

How does Ukrainian business survive the war?

For more than a year now, Ukrainian entrepreneurs have been suffering huge losses and facing new challenges on a daily basis. Find out more about how businesses in Ukraine are adapting to the military situation

08 May. 2023

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2 min

War Women on the frontline: how many Ukrainian women are taking part in the war and what you need to know about their exploits

Women on the frontline: how many Ukrainian women are taking part in the war and what you need to know about their exploits

Since the beginning of the full-scale war, thousands of volunteers have expressed their desire to fight for their homeland. But it's not just men, it's also Ukrainian women who continue to bravely fight for freedom. Find out how many women are fighting in the Ukrainian Armed Forces and what feats they are performing

07 May. 2023

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2 min

Popular Interesting places in Kyiv: 10 places worth visiting in the Ukrainian capital

Interesting places in Kyiv: 10 places worth visiting in the Ukrainian capital

Kyiv is considered one of the oldest capitals in Europe. Throughout its history, the Ukrainian capital has seen various events that have left their mark on this great city. Find out which places to visit in Kyiv to see the city from a completely different perspective

07 May. 2023

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