1 min

Finance Ukraine seeks to reduce the gap between men's and women's salaries: what steps are to be taken

Ukraine seeks to reduce the gap between men's and women's salaries: what steps are to be taken

Ukraine wants to improve gender pay equality. To this end, the country has launched an information campaign. However, these are not the only plans to improve the situation with the gap between men's and women's salaries

18 Sep. 2024

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1 min

For refugees The Czech Republic has changed the rules for the extension of temporary protection: what visa holders need to know

The Czech Republic has changed the rules for the extension of temporary protection: what visa holders need to know

The Czech Republic has made changes to the rules for extending temporary protection for refugees who hold long-term visas to Canada or the United Kingdom. Find out more about what has changed and what the conditions for extending protection are now

18 Sep. 2024

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1 min

Popular Contaminated water from the Desna reached Kyiv: why it is dangerous and how to protect yourself

Contaminated water from the Desna reached Kyiv: why it is dangerous and how to protect yourself

Contaminated water that came to Ukraine from russia via rivers has reached Kyiv. Health officials are urging citizens to follow some rules. Find out how serious the situation is and what Kyiv residents need to know about the water situation

18 Sep. 2024

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2 min

Insurance Insurance for entry to Portugal: who needs it, rules for different visa categories, and where to buy it?

Insurance for entry to Portugal: who needs it, rules for different visa categories, and where to buy it?

Traveling to Portugal requires compliance with certain rules. These include visa requirements and health insurance, which is mandatory when entering this country. Find out what insurance you need to travel to Portugal and why the policy requirements may differ for different categories of travelers

18 Sep. 2024

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3 min

Finance Which EU countries have the cheapest mortgages or where it is profitable to buy a home on credit?

Which EU countries have the cheapest mortgages or where it is profitable to buy a home on credit?

For many people, mortgages and long-term loans are the only way to get their own home. It is important to keep in mind that the interest on such a loan is stable over time. Find out which European countries have the cheapest and most expensive mortgages

18 Sep. 2024

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Finance Ukrainian refugees in Sweden will be able to receive $34,000 for returning to Ukraine: what is known?

Ukrainian refugees in Sweden will be able to receive $34,000 for returning to Ukraine: what is known?

The Swedish government, as part of its new migration reform, has taken the initiative to increase payments for refugees who decide to return to their homeland voluntarily. Learn more about the program and its impact on refugees

18 Sep. 2024

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Finance Double taxation for Ukrainians: how does it work, who is obliged to pay taxes twice and how to file a declaration?

Double taxation for Ukrainians: how does it work, who is obliged to pay taxes twice and how to file a declaration?

According to the Tax Code, Ukrainians who are abroad and have income but have permanent residence in Ukraine are residents of Ukraine. This means that they must file a tax return. We will explain in detail how to do this, who is obliged to pay taxes twice and what fee will have to be paid in any case

18 Sep. 2024

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1 min

Transport Rava-Ruska - Warsaw train will not run temporarily: reasons

Rava-Ruska - Warsaw train will not run temporarily: reasons

UZ stops selling tickets for the popular route Rava-Ruska - Warsaw. Find out more about the reason and which trains continue to run between Ukraine and Poland

17 Sep. 2024

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