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27 Oct. 2022


Financial assistance to Ukrainians in European countries: how to issue payments (part 2)

For refugees
Financial assistance to Ukrainians in European countries: how to issue payments (part 2)

An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine
An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine

The European Union continues to provide shelter, temporary housing, social and financial assistance to Ukrainians. Earlier, we talked about the amount of payments in the European countries to which the largest number of refugees came. Today we will consider 7 more countries that support citizens of Ukraine. Among them are Belgium, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Switzerland, Sweden and the Czech Republic.

Cash assistance in Switzerland for Ukrainians with S status

As of August 11, 2022, Switzerland has changed the conditions for obtaining financial aid for Ukrainians. Previously, all refugees who obtained S status in the state were entitled to monthly support in the amount of 1,500 Swiss francs (€1,510). However, for the third month now, each application for payment is considered separately, taking into account the financial situation of a specific person or family. It is worth noting that such a system operates in Switzerland for refugees from all countries.

All types of income are taken into account, regardless of whether they are received in Ukraine or Switzerland. We talked in more detail earlier.

Financial assistance in Sweden

Cash assistance in Sweden is provided only to those refugees who do not have their own funds. Two types of payments are provided: per diem or targeted assistance.

Daily assistance is provided to meet everyday needs: food, medical care, clothing and shoes, hygiene products, medicines, dental services, leisure time, and more. The amount depends on where the Ukrainian lives: a hostel with or without meals and ranges from 24 to 71 crowns per day (from 2 to 6.5 €).

Targeted assistance is paid in case the applicant has an urgent need for something that is not covered by daily payments, for example, to order glasses, buy winter clothes or a baby carriage. You need to prove that the need is urgent and that you are unable to pay on your own.

The request for funding must be submitted to the Migration Service in person or sent by mail. More details at the link.

Cash assistance for Ukrainian refugees in Belgium

The amount of financial aid in Belgium depends on the composition of the family, the number of children and their age.

The amount of payments is:

• €1,100 per person living alone;

• family members will receive €750 each;

• for each child, depending on their number, additionally from 100 to 200 €.

However, the total monthly payment cannot exceed €1,560 per family.

It is worth noting that in order to receive social assistance in Belgium, a number of conditions must be met:

• it is forbidden to leave the country for more than 28 days a year;

• you must notify your social inspector about every trip outside Belgium.

Failure to comply with the conditions may result in the loss of social support, and in some cases you may be required to return previously received money.

To apply, go to the nearest OCMW/CPAS social security center with your passport and a certificate of protection (card A or certificate Annexe 15/Bijlage 15).

Financial assistance for citizens of Ukraine in the Czech Republic

The government of the Czech Republic provides financial assistance to Ukrainians who have received the status of temporary protection. The amount is 5,000 Czech crowns (€200) per person during the first 6 months of stay in the country. The amount is the same for both adults and children. From the seventh month, the amount of the payment will be slightly reduced to 4,620 kroner (€180) for adults and 3,320 (€135) for children.

It should be noted that assistance is not provided to all refugees, but only to those who do not receive free housing, food and hygiene products from the Czech Republic. We talked in more detail earlier.

The payment does not stop if the Ukrainian gets a job, but the amount will be changed depending on the amount of family income, the minimum living wage and the cost of housing rent.

Cash assistance in Romania. How to get €110?

The Government of Romania does not provide financial assistance to Ukrainians who have obtained temporary protection status. Individual support is only available upon written request.

The Romanian Society of the Red Cross offers financial assistance for vulnerable categories of Ukrainian refugees - €110 per person for 3 months. The application for assistance is submitted separately from the application for temporary protection. More details at the link.

One-time financial assistance in Bulgaria

One-time financial assistance of 375 leva (€180) is provided for Ukrainians in Bulgaria. For registration, you need to contact the Social Assistance Office at the address of your residence.

You can also get:

• Target payment for issuing an identification card – 75 leva (€38).

• Heating allowance - paid for 5 months, during the heating season. Applications are accepted until October 31.

Monthly financial support is provided to a limited number of Ukrainians whose incomes are lower than the individually determined minimum income. It is calculated separately for each family.

All the details can be found out in the social institutions of the country.

A one-time payment from the UN is provided for the most vulnerable categories of Ukrainians in Bulgaria.

Cash assistance for refugees from Ukraine in Hungary. What are the conditions?

Obtaining the status of temporary protection in Hungary involves the payment of financial assistance (rendszeres letfenntártási szátsék). According to the resolution of the Government of the country, the money is paid to those refugees who are registered at the Employment Center. After the first transfer, you are given 5 days to register and cooperate with the center.

The size of the benefit per adult is equal to the unemployment benefit and amounts to HUF 22,800 (€56).

Payment of family allowance is also provided (once a month):

• family with one child – HUF 12,200 (€30);

• a single mother or father raising one child - HUF 13,700 (€34);

• a family with two children – HUF 13,300 per child (€33);

• a single mother or father raising two children - HUF 14,800 for each child (€36);

• a large family raising three or more children - HUF 16,000 for each child (€40);

• a single mother or father raising three or more children - HUF 17,000 for each child (€42);

• a child with a severe disability or a chronic illness – HUF 23,300 for each child (€57);

• a single mother or father raising a chronically ill child or a child with a severe disability - HUF 25,900 (€64).

To apply for assistance, you must contact the government window (Kormányablak). Hungary also has simplified conditions for employment of Ukrainians.