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29 May. 2024


Traveling from Ukraine abroad in 2024: important details

Traveling from Ukraine abroad in 2024: important details

Men who have not reached the age of conscription or have been removed from the military register, as well as women and children, can cross the border of Ukraine in 2024. However, from May 2024, specific restrictions on crossing the border began to apply. Learn more about who can leave Ukraine in 2024

Legal assistance on migration issues for Ukrainians in Ukraine and abroad
Legal assistance on migration issues for Ukrainians in Ukraine and abroad

Ukrainians are actively traveling abroad to work, study, visit relatives or go on vacation. However, martial law has certain peculiarities and restrictions on border crossings. 

Since the announcement of martial law and general mobilization, certain categories of citizens have been unable to travel outside Ukraine. According to the Government's decree, children, women (except for those liable for military service) and the elderly are allowed to cross the border. Under the terms of martial law, travel abroad is restricted for men of military age. However, some categories of men are eligible to travel abroad in 2024. In this article, we will look at the rules for crossing the state border during martial law.

To help you prepare to leave Ukraine, we have developed a checklist of things to do and keep in mind before you set off on your trip. 

In our previous article, we told you that on May 18, the official app from the Ministry of Defense, Reserve+, became available. This service allows you to update your military registration data without a personal visit to the military registration and enlistment center.

1. Check your international passport 

Be sure to check your passport before planning to leave Ukraine. Even with a valid passport, most countries refuse entry if it expires within three to six months of crossing the border. 

If you do not have a passport for traveling abroad at all, apply for one at least one month before your planned departure. The application must be submitted in person to the local passport service. The document is issued within 20 days (excluding delivery) or you can order an urgent document within 7 days (excluding delivery). 

Only refugees from the areas of active hostilities can cross the border of Ukraine with an internal passport.

2. Get a visa 

Ukrainian citizens can travel to 112 countries without a visa. However, if you plan to work or get an education, a visa is required. Apply for a visa at the consulate of the country of destination before departure. Get legal advice to find out the visa requirements for the chosen country, depending on the purpose of your trip. 

3.  Take out health insurance

A policy is not always required when crossing the border, but its absence can have unpleasant consequences, as the healthcare system in many countries is based on insurance. Also, medical services for foreigners abroad are usually paid and very expensive. A health insurance policy will help you avoid unnecessary expenses abroad. 

Experienced travelers advise to undergo a medical examination and visit a dentist before traveling to avoid emergencies abroad. 

If you are planning a trip to an exotic country, be sure to check the list of required vaccinations.

You can learn more about updating military registration data for men permanently residing abroad here.

4. Purchase a Green Card (for those traveling by car)

“The Green Card is an international insurance policy for motorists. The document is mandatory when traveling abroad for all vehicles registered in Ukraine. Green card is a motor vehicle liability insurance policy that is valid outside of Ukraine. If you have a Green Card, if you get into an accident abroad, you can expect to receive compensation from an insurance agent. Learn more about the benefits of the Green Card here

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5. Check the documents for traveling with children

During the martial law, many formalities for traveling abroad with children were simplified. According to Ukrainian law, children under the age of 16 may travel abroad only if accompanied by an adult. Depending on the degree of kinship, a certain list of documents is required:

1. One of the parents or guardians: the notarized consent of the other parent is not required, it is enough to have a birth certificate or passport of a citizen of Ukraine for children over 14 years of age;

2. Close relatives: grandparents, stepmother, stepfather, adult brothers and sisters. You must have a birth certificate or passport of a citizen of Ukraine for children over 14 years of age, as well as documents confirming kinship. Notarized parental permission is not required. However, a written statement from one of the parents, certified by the guardianship and custody authority, must be submitted;

3. Non-legal relatives of the child: a birth certificate or passport of a citizen of Ukraine for children over 14 years of age, as well as relevant documents confirming the identity of the adult, are required. In addition, a written consent of one of the parents, certified by the guardianship authority, is required to cross the border. A notarized permission for the child to travel abroad is also acceptable. To obtain a notarized consent, you need the original passports of both parents, their RNOCP, and the child's birth certificate.

Such strict rules are necessary to prevent the illegal removal of children from Ukraine.

6. If you are liable for military service, find out whether you have the right to leave Ukraine and what documents you need for this

The new law on mobilization did not change the rules for crossing the border for men of military age, which are regulated by CMU Resolution No. 57. Men who are not subject to conscription or who have a deferment have the right to travel abroad. This right must be proved with relevant documents. 

The following categories of men of conscription age have the right to travel abroad:

1. Men whose close relatives (wife, son, daughter, father, mother, siblings, etc.) were killed or went missing during the ATO or in the course of deterring armed aggression against Ukraine during martial law;

2. Men removed from military registration for health reasons;

3. Men with disabilities of groups I, II, III;

4. Men accompanying a person with a disability of group I or II or a sick relative;

5. Men with many children who support three or more minor children. Arrears of alimony for more than three months deprive the right to deferral and border crossing;

6. Men raising children on their own;

7. Men with permanent residence abroad;

8. Men (military personnel) who go for treatment, rehabilitation or training;

9. Men in certain professions, which we have listed below in this article.

Earlier, we reported that the new law on mobilization, among other things, provides for some changes for Ukrainian women. Find out more about who is affected by the new rules, whether there are any restrictions on border crossing, and what else you need to know about the innovations.

What documents are required to travel abroad?

The following documents are required to cross the border in 2024:

1. Passport of a citizen of Ukraine;

2. Foreign passport.

Persons liable for military service also need documents confirming the grounds and possibility of traveling abroad:

1. An extract from the minutes of the CMC with the decision on deferral;

2. The conclusion of the MSEC on the recognition of a person temporarily unfit for military service for a period of up to 6 months;

3. Military registration documents with a record of deferment - a temporary certificate or a military ID card.

Who can leave Ukraine for work?

According to the provisions of the new law on mobilization, representatives of the following professions have the right to cross the state border:

1. Crew members of a ship going to work on seagoing vessels and inland navigation vessels;

2. Aviation personnel traveling on a business trip or for training;

3. Employees of railway transport;

4. Military personnel undergoing military training abroad;

5. Military personnel going on vacation (with permission from the military unit);

6. Employees of the diplomatic service who are sent on an official or long-term business trip and their family members;

7. Drivers of vehicles licensed for international transportation of passengers and goods;

8. Coaches and athletes to participate in official competitions and training camps.

Also, people who provide assistance to the Ukrainian army can travel abroad - volunteer drivers who transport humanitarian aid, cargo for the Armed Forces and medical supplies, cultural figures (presenters, artists, showmen) for charity fundraising for the Armed Forces.

Not allowed to travel abroad: what to do?

A citizen of Ukraine who has the right to travel in accordance with the current legislation must have original documents and, if necessary, certificates of health or marital status. Women who are not subject to mobilization and men under 18 and over 60 years of age can travel abroad with a passport of a citizen of Ukraine only. Other men need to have the entire package of documents: a father with many children needs birth certificates of his children and a certificate that he is their dependent, or documents certifying the status of a disabled person.

If you are refused to leave by SBGS officers while crossing the border, you should demand a written refusal so that you can appeal it later. Also, record the refusal by leaving a request on the SBGS hotline. Indicate the passport control point, position, surname and name of the officer who refused to allow you to leave. Describe in detail the circumstances of the situation, what documents were presented to the border control and the reason for the refusal.

You can appeal against illegal actions in court by filing a lawsuit with an administrative court against an unlawful refusal to travel abroad. In the claim, you should argue your right to travel and provide evidence of the illegality of the refusal. The court will consider all the documents you provide and determine whether the border guard's actions are unlawful. With the appropriate court decision, you will be able to try to cross the border again.

We wish you a safe trip! 

We remind you! Men with disabilities can cross the border of Ukraine even during martial law, but they must provide appropriate supporting documents. Learn more about the rules of traveling abroad for men with disabilities in 2024.

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

Ihor Usyk is the Head of Legal Department at Visit Ukraine

To get comprehensive information on the current rules for crossing the state border, use the legal support on our service. Our lawyers will answer all your questions and help you solve your urgent issues.

Our recommendation for a safe and comfortable trip: 

Visit Ukraine Insurance - insurance for a safe stay abroad without unnecessary expenses;

Green Card - compulsory car insurance for traveling abroad;

Visit Ukraine Tickets - book tickets for buses, trains, and airplanes to/from Ukraine and between cities around the world;

Private Lawyer service - professional legal support on visa and migration issues;

Visit Ukraine Merch - buy patriotic clothing and accessories with worldwide delivery.

© 2018-2024, Visit Ukraine. Use, copying or reprinting of materials on this site is permitted only with a link (hyperlink for online publications) to Visit Ukraine.

All rights reserved.

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